Page 46 of The Cleaner

I reach the fourth floor landing, slightly winded. Getting old, I chide myself. I should take the damn elevator next time. The hallway stretches out before me, plush carpeting muffling my footsteps as I make my way to room 412.

Outside the door, I pause and listen. Silence. I slide the keycard into the lock, wait for the green light, and enter swiftly, closing the door behind me. The room is dark. The curtains drawn but there’s a dim light in the corner slightly illuminating the room. My gaze, however, is drawn to the man who’s hanging from the fucking window. Leon Manthin. Shit, someone took the fucker out already. Or did he commit suicide?

I approach the body cautiously, my hand instinctively reaching for the gun holstered at my hip. The room is eerily quiet, save for the soft hum of the air conditioning. As I get closer, I can see that Leon's face is purple, his eyes bulging grotesquely. A thick rope is knotted tightly around his neck, the other end secured to the curtain rod above the window.

This wasn't part of the plan. Leon was supposed to be alive when I got here. This wasn't a suicide. The knot is too intricate, too professional. Someone got to him before I could, and they knew what they were doing.

I scan the room, looking for any signs of a struggle or forced entry. Nothing seems out of place. The bed is still made, themini-bar untouched. There’s no way this was a suicide or done by someone by mistake. No amateur leaves a scene this clean.

I pull out my phone and snap a few quick photos of the scene, making sure to capture the knot and Leon's face. Evidence, just in case. Then I start a thorough sweep of the room, checking for any clues the killer might have left behind.

Nothing. Not a fucking thing. This is definitely a professional that’s done this job. So why the fuck was I recruited to do it?

It’s time to get the fuck out of here.

Just as I'm about to leave, I notice something. A faint scent in the air, barely perceptible but familiar. Jasmine. It triggers a memory, but I can't quite place it.

I shake my head, filing away the information for later. Right now, I need to focus on getting out undetected. I crack open the door, peering into the hallway. It's clear. I step out, letting the door click shut behind me, and make my way to the stairwell.

As I descend, my mind races. Who could have known about this job? Was I set up? And why leave the body for me to find? It doesn't make sense.

I exit through a side door, avoiding the lobby. Once outside, I take a deep breath of the cool night air, trying to clear my mind. But I’m pissed. Beyond fucking pissed. My feet move quickly as I hit dial on Cole’s number.

“Done already?” he asks, amusement filling his voice.

“It’s done alright,” I snarl. “But not by me. What the fuck, Cole? Want to tell me why the fuck you recruited me when someone else was tasked with the job?”

Silence spreads through the line. “You’re the only one who had that job. What the hell?” he mutters. “What happened?”

I give him a quick rundown of what I saw and listen to him let out a low whistle. “I’ve heard about the Hanging Reaper. They say that they’re meticulous at what they do. Tell me, do you think it was them?”

It makes sense. Fuck, it’s the person Jer was talking about. “Whoever took out Leon knew what the fuck they were doing. They’re damned fucking good at it too. It looked like a suicide. Everything was in its proper place, not a hair out of place.”

“I’m going to have to dig and see what the hell happened. Let me talk to Melissa and see if she knows anything about it. I’ll call you back when I know more,” he says and ends the call.

As I walk briskly away from the hotel, that faint scent of asmine tickles my memory again. Something about it feels important, but I can't quite grasp why. It's as though my mind is trying to figure out why it's triggering me. Fuck, I don't know. I shake it off, focusing on getting to my bike parked a few streets away.

This job was supposed to be straightforward. Get in, take care of Leon, and get out. Now I'm left with more questions than answers. Who is the Hanging Reaper and how did they know about Leon?

More importantly, why did they leave the body for me to find?

My phone buzzesas I'm leaving Jer's home. He's currently in Spain. He'll be home in a few weeks, maybe sooner if Tommy Jennings starts his shit up again. Tommy had been lying low, but the past few days there’s been a lot of chatter about that bastard’s operation moving back into Dublin. There’s been more movement from his men. They’re fucking everywhere once again. However, since Tommy hasn’t come out of the woodwork, we’re not too worried. We’ll just be keeping a close eye on things.

Glancing down at my phone, I’m surprised to see Lisa’s name on the screen.

Lisa: Hey, not sure if you’re busy tonight or not. I’m home and about to order takeout and put a movie on if you want to join?

I smile at the message from Lisa and quickly reply:I’m never too busy for you. Count me in. What movie are we watching?

I hadn’t expected to hear from her tonight. She’s shy, and I know it’s because she’s not had a relationship and is unsure of what to do. I fucking love that I’m her only one and I’m determined to keep it that way.

As I make my way to Lisa's place, my mind starts to wander back to Tommy Jennings. Despite the temporary calm, I knew it was only a matter of time before he resurfaced. It’s just waiting to see what he plans next. I’ve no doubt that he’s been licking his wounds and figuring out what he’s going to do next. It doesn’t matter what he’s got planned, we’re ready for him.

My fingers tighten around the steering wheel and I take a deep breath. Today has been a fucking weird day, from the shit that went down with Leon to finding out that Tommy’s back. It’s always one thing after another, but now I have a woman that I’m going to spend the night with. I have to admit that it feels good to have that. To have someone I want to spend my life with.

As I turn off the engine, the outside light flickers on, illuminating the pathway to the front door. And then, like magic, she appears in the doorway. Her hair cascades in loose curls around her face and down past her breasts. She's dressed in a short pyjama set; a light pink tank top that shows off her toned arms and shorts that reveal her long legs. She’s fucking gorgeous.

I step out of the car, drinking in the sight of her. With every step I take toward her, my cock thickens. Christ, I’m like a fucking teen again. As I get closer, she gives me that soft as fuck smile.