Page 34 of The Cleaner

"Then bloody act like it," Travis hisses. "So, Lisa, we have a mark in Belfast who needs to be taken care of this evening. We don't want to rush you, but as both Ciarán and I are here, we're more than happy to come along with you if you accept."

Can I kill someone again so quickly after killing Devin's father?

"Sure, why not," I reply. It's not like I have anything else planned. "Oh, I do have one last question," I say. "With Ciarán being my mentor, does he get paid?"

Ciarán shakes his head but it's Travis who answers. "No, it's free. Ciarán knows that and is happy to be your mentor. Now, we really do need to get moving. We need to drive to Belfast and get in position."

I'm shocked Ciarán is doing this for free. I'm grateful he's wanting to take me under his wing and show me the ropes. I follow both men out of the pub and down the street to the car park where Travis' car is parked.

"You're in the back," Travis instructs. I do as he says and slide into the back seat. It's around a two hour journey to Belfast from here. I'm just hoping that whatever's about to happen isn't going to be hard. I don't want it to be messy either.

I'm standingagainst the car. Ciarán stands in front of me, blocking my path so I don't lose my shit. I watch as a man backhands his daughter. Her eyes are red raw from the tears that are streaming down her face. She didn't even flinch, which lets me know this isn't the first time she's been hit by that bastard.

"That is our target," Ciarán tells me, his voice low but vibrating with anger. "He's going to send his daughter into the hotel and he's going to go for a walk. To his wife and daughter, it's to work off his anger—something he does a lot of—but the truth is, he's going to find his friend who works in trafficking, and that man has three young girls for this asshole to choose from."

I cross my arms over my chest, my nails biting into my skin. What an animal. God, I hate him. I'll happily take him out. In fact, I want to do it right now.

"Focus, Lisa," Travis says from beside me. "This is why we have someone mentor you. Ciarán is going to walk you through what you need to do. You need to listen to him. Listen to every word he tells you."

I take a deep breath, tearing my gaze away from the man hitting his daughter once again. "Okay, what's the plan?"

Ciarán grins. "Atta girl." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a needle. "This has a drug that'll knock him out, and by the time the asshole's found hanging from the bridge, the substance will be gone."

"You managed to get that quickly," I comment.

Both Ciarán and Travis laugh. "You'd be surprised what you'll be able to get when you look in the right places," Travis says. "Now, he's on the move. We're going to follow behind him. I need you to inject him in his palm, Lisa. That way, it'll be harder to decipher the pin prick he'll have.

Ciarán hands me the needle, pulling the top off the pin. I grip it between my fingers tightly.

We follow the man through the almost empty streets. I keep the needle gripped firmly. I can't help but feel determined. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants this monster taken down. I’m beyond relieved that someone has put a hit out on him. It'sdark out, the only light from the streetlamps. I keep my gaze on the man ahead of me.

I need to get to him before he meets his friend and takes one of those young girls.

The man leads us to a nearby alley, where he takes out his phone and makes a call. I listen as he confirms the rendezvous with his friend. Ciarán and Travis begin whispering to each other, talking about the plan, but I blur their words out. I have to focus on the man in front of me.

I can’t lie, having them by my side is such a relief. I know they’ll be here if I need them. It’s a comforting thought.

"Okay, Lisa," Ciarán says, breaking the silence. "You ready?"

I grip the needle tightly, my hands shake slightly, but I know I have to be strong. I can do this. I won’t let that animal hurt a girl.

"Yeah," I reply, my voice steady. I'm more than ready for this.

As the man rounds the corner, I increase my speed, easily catching up to him. I step beside him, feeling the heat radiating off his body, and the adrenaline pulses through my veins. With a steady hand, I reach out and brush against his palm, concealing the syringe in my grip. In one swift motion, I plunge the needle into his skin and inject him with the drug, watching as his eyes widen in shock and he mutters a curse.

I pull the syringe from his palm and carry on walking, acting as though nothing has happened. My feet move quickly to the nearby alleyway, where I lie in wait for him to stagger past.

As I stand against the alley wall, my eyes flicking toward the street, I watch in anticipation for the man to appear. I know Travis and Ciarán remain close by, ready to act if need be.

The man turns the corner into the alleyway, stumbling slightly. His eyes dart about, wild and unfocused. He reaches out, his hand brushing along the wall as he staggers toward me.

I step out from the shadows, my hand extended toward his. I can see the fear in his eyes as he grabs my arm, his grip tightening. "What do you want?" he rasps, his voice strained.

"Nothing," I reply, my voice steady and calm. "I just wanted to make sure you understood the consequences of your actions."

I release his wrist and he stumbles back, tripping over his feet. He collapses to the ground, and I know that now is the time.

“Travis has gone to get the car. He’ll be here any second,” Ciarán tells me. “I’m impressed,” he praises. “You did that effortlessly and without hesitation. I’d say you have a good career ahead of you.”