I grit my teeth in anger at the mention of that name. Fucking Jacob. That bastard is a sick, twisted monster, and I would gladly slit his throat if given the chance. "Emmanuel," I say through clenched teeth. "It wasn't your fault."
He nods, his expression heavy with guilt. "I know that, Mav. I do. But Clodagh was only eleven when he took her. And he became fixated on her because of me."
"Fuck that," I snarl, my own anger rising to match his. "He's a sick motherfucking asshole who had an affinity for young girls. It's not on you, and the fact that he tried to blame it on you is fucked up. You were barely seventeen at the time. You wouldn't have done what that cunt did."
"Hell no," he fires back vehemently. "I'm no fucking paedophile. I don't touch kids."
No, he wouldn't. Emmanuel is nothing like his biological father, despite what that prick claims. He may be ruthless and willing to kill for money or thrills, but he would never harm a woman or child. He's not like Jacob.
"Your mam and step-dad raised you right, Eman," I remind him sternly. "You are them, not that sperm donor."
"Genetics can be a fucked up thing," he confesses with a heavy sigh. "I think she recognized me that night. When I looked into her eyes, she froze. But when I spoke, she seemed to relax a bit. I scared her for a moment."
It's hard to deny that he has the exact same eyes as Jacob, but he couldn't be any more different from that bastard. Emmanuelmay share DNA with him, but he's nothing like Jacob. He'll never hurt an innocent like his father did.
"You probably won't see her again," I tell him truthfully. "But if she was scared of you, I think she would have made it known. Both Lisa and Clodagh seem to have strong wills and aren't afraid to speak their minds."
"I just want to know what the fuck Ava was playing at that night," he seethes, his anger directed toward my sister’s best friend, who had been at the party the night we met Lisa and Clodagh. "She watched Clodagh go upstairs with those assholes. She knew she was drunk and did nothing," he spits with disgust. "What the fuck was she doing?"
"Freddie was beyond pissed," I growl, remembering the conversation we had the next day when he told me what happened; how he'd arrived just as Lisa had started looking for her friend. Ava was sat on his lap and asked her if she meant Clodagh and then told her where she was. "Ava was ripped a new asshole by Freddie and Jer. I have no doubt that Callie also lit into her too."
A smile plays on his lips and he nods. We drink our drinks and change the subject, talking about the football game last night. I hear the door of the pub swinging open, and I am taken aback by who walks in—Travis James. It's been years since I've seen him.
"Well, well, Maverick, just the man I was hoping to run into," Travis greets me with a charming smile. He’s not changed over the years. He’s gotten older, sure, but he’s still the same man I met eight years ago with Jer.
I raise an eyebrow in surprise. "You have my number. You could have called."
Travis laughs as he takes a seat next to me and orders himself a beer. "True, but you know me; I enjoy the element of surprise.I actually have a favour to ask you," he says, his English accent thicker and more pronounced than I remember.
"Oh really? And what might that be?"
"I have a new recruit for The Agency. They’re young, but she’s incredibly talented," Travis explains, resting his hands on the bar in front of him.
“Travis,” I say low. “You can’t be serious? I’m not going to babysit someone, especially a female, as they kill someone.” Is he for fucking real with this shit?
"I'm not asking you to babysit her, Maverick," Travis replies, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. "She's young but she’s not stupid, nor does she need to be handheld. I trust her, but just as you had Stephen and Jer when you started out, she needs someone too."
He’s right, I did have Stephen and Jer when I killed first, but having to watch over someone I don’t know isn’t on the top of my list of things to do.
"Is there no one else?" I ask, hoping like fuck that there is.
His jaw clenches, and I watch as anger flashes in his blue eyes. “There is,” he snarls. “But I had hoped I could have someone I trust fully to watch over this girl. Mentor her, so to speak.”
I sigh. “With all the shit that’s going on with the Jennings’ right now, Travis, I don’t think I’ll be the right person to mentor her.”
"Alright," he says, bringing his glass to his lips. "But if you change your mind, let me know.”
I nod, knowing I won’t. I know it’s not what he wants, but I can’t and don’t want to do it. Even though he denied it, it is babysitting and I’ve not got time for that shit.
"I can see that it's a firm no," Travis says. "I'm in Dublin for the next week or two. I want to get her settled in. I have to admit,her technique needs some adjusting but it was fucking inspired. She's going to make a name for herself."
"How exactly did you meet this woman?" I ask.
He grins wide. "I met her this evening. Flew over to take out a target. Let me tell you, this asshole was the lowest scum to walk the earth. I would have done it for free, he was that much of a fucking shit. Anyway," he says, taking a sip of his drink, "I followed him to a secluded area. I couldn't believe my eyes when I watched him confront this girl. He was out of his mind, the fucking dick, but she took no shit. She overpowered him easily and then killed him. All without breaking down. The kid's good, so good, in fact, that I offered her a job on the spot." His voice is filled with glee.
"You watched it happen?" Emmanuel asks in surprise. "You let a woman fight off a fucking crazy man?"
“If she needed me to, I would have stepped in. She didn’t. So now I’m taking her under my wing and getting someone to mentor her.”