“Same.” Turning my attention back to my dad, I ask, “So what’s up? Did you need something? Or just saying hi?”
“Both.” He pauses. “I always like to see you. But also, I wanted to ask—you’re bringing Knox to the party, right? I want to make sure I have seats for both of you at my table.”
“Yes, he’s coming.” Warmth fills my chest. “He’s really looking forward to it.”
“Good, good.” My dad hugs me again. “And I’m really looking forward to seeing both of you for Christmas.” Before he can continue, his smart watch dings, and he glances down at it. “Shoot. My call’s in five minutes. But maybe we can have lunch? My treat?”
“Sounds good.”
After the three of us exchange goodbyes, I make my way into my office and hang my coat by the rack near the door. Sinking into my office chair, I turn to look out the window, admiring the view of downtown Montpelier, all decked out for the holidays. It’s like a larger version of Bliss, with arching steeples and old brick buildings and crowds of people strolling along the sidewalks.
But I like Bliss so much more. It’s cute. Comfortable. In the short time I’ve lived outside of town, I’ve gottento know the locals, like Alice and Hazel and Max. I like the special events that the entire town shows up for. And I love spending time there with Knox.
And speaking of Knox. Now that I have some privacy, I send him a longer message.
Hey, Just made it to my office. Seemed like everyone wanted to talk today. But my dad asked if you’re still coming to the party. And he said he’s really looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.
I’m not expecting a response right away, since I know Knox is on the Green Mountain Guardians property this morning, scouting for the best locations for the cabins he’s starting in the spring. But his name almost immediately pops onto my screen.
That’s great. I’m looking forward to it, too. And I’m really looking forward to Christmas with you. Spending our first Christmas together, opening presents by the tree.
Grinning, I tap out a reply.
And doing sexy things beside it?
He responds right away,
Oh. My core clenches at the thought of another sexy escapade by the tree. I know the floor isn’t the most comfortable location, but I bought a plush rug to go beside it, and we lay down blankets, and with the glow of the lights and the flames from the fire…
Ack! I slam my mind shut on all my sexy thoughts as Ed pokes his head into my office. Flipping my phone over, I command myself not to blush as I ask, “Yes? What’s up?”
He steps inside, concern etched into his features. Ina serious tone, he says, “I was hoping I could talk to you about your dad.”
“Oh?” Leaning forward, I rest my hands on the glossy wood of my desk. “Is something wrong?”
Ed pulls the door shut behind him, explaining, “I think this is better discussed in private. I wouldn't want anyone else to hear this. But…” He pauses. “I’m concerned.”
My chest tightens. My pulse races. “Concerned about what?”
He takes a few steps closer, his tone dipping conspiratorially. “I’m worried about your dad, Lark. He’s… been making mistakes. Behaving erratically.”
“He has?” This is news to me.
“Yes. I don’t want to be overly alarmist here, but I am concerned about the future of the company. If he’s… having difficulties. I know this isn’t the best time to discuss this while we’re at work. But I want to help. This company and your dad mean a lot to me.”
Worry and fear hit me in alternating waves. Is there something wrong with my dad? In dealing with all my crap, have I missed something?
My first instinct is to argue, to insist that my dad is perfectly fine. But… I haven’t seen him as much as I usually have. “Has anyone else noticed?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. “Have you heard?”
“I don’t think so,” he replies. “Nothing solid, at least. But he came over for Thanksgiving, you know. And that’s when I first noticed something.”
Just as I’m trying to figure out the right thing to say, my phone chimes again. Knox.
And I’m desperate for even the smallest connectionwith him right now, so I flip it back over to read his message.