Page 39 of Mountain Protector

I realized I don’t care about the possibility of getting hurt. If I put my heart on the line with Knox and it doesn’t work out, it’ll still be better than never trying at all.

But then the big question is, when? When do I bring it up? Today? But what if I’m wrong and Knox isn’t interested in me that way? Will it make things weird with me staying here? Not that I think he’d ask me to leave, Knox is much too honorable for that, but to have to face him after being rejected? I’m not sure I could take it.

I sneak another glance at the phone—still no message—before forcing my attention back to my laptop. I’ve been trying to focus on getting some work done, but my mind keeps wandering to other, non work-related things. Like does my hair look nice in braids, or do I look like Pippi Longstocking? Does the bra I’m wearing make my boobs appear one size bigger like the product description promises? Is wearing green again overkill, or is it festive?

As I catch my reflection on the laptop screen, I wonder,is thirty-four too old for pigtails?

Maybe I should take them out. But then my hair will be all kinked up, and not in that sexy waves kind of way.

Midway through my internal debate, my phone chimes with a text.

Just went through the gate. I’ll be there soon.

Well, braids it is.

Jumping up from my desk, I grab my phone and speed downstairs, resisting the urge to check myself one more time in the bathroom mirror on the way. Once I get into the open living space, I do a quick circuit of it, smoothing throws and fluffing pillows and straightening the small stack of books on the coffee table.

Just as I’m flicking a bit of fuzz off the couch, my phone chimes again. A second later, a knock sounds at the door.

Bypassing the text—I know who it is—I race to the front door, feeling much like I did before my first official date when I was fifteen.

But Knox is so much better than Weston, the boy I had a crush on back then.

Knox is a man. A very sexy man who is sweet and gentle beneath his tough exterior. A man who makes me feel safe and protected and when he looks at me in a certain way, desired.

After making quick work of the locks, I pull the door open, already smiling as I say unnecessarily, “You’re here!”

He grins. “I am.”

“I mean, obviously you’re here,” I say. “But—” Just say it. “I know it’s only been a few hours, but I missed you.”

“Lark.” He pulls me into his arms, notching my headunder his chin. A light brush of something—his lips?—touches the top of my head. “I missed you, too.”

After far too short of a time, he releases me and takes a step back, letting his gaze sweep from my head to feet and back again. “You look beautiful.” He touches the end of one of my braids. “And I love these.”

“I don’t look like Pippi Longstocking?”

His brow creases. “Pippi who?”

“Um. Just a book character. It’s not important.”


“Anyway,” I say brightly. “I’m just glad you’re here. And you look really handsome, too.”

Knox gives me an unexpectedly shy smile. “Thanks.” After a pause, he adds, “But your surprise. I have everything here. If you could just—” He takes my hand and leads me over to the couch. “Just sit here with your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.”

Dutifully I squeeze my eyes shut, listening to a series of rustlings and thuds and soft thunks only feet from me. Just as the aroma of fresh pine hits me, Knox announces, “Okay. You can open your eyes.”

For a second, all I can do is stare.

It’s everything I could need to decorate for Christmas.

There’s a gorgeous pine tree, tall enough to brush the ceiling, its branches already relaxed and ready for trimming.

Boxes of ornaments sit beside it, multi-colored bulbs and blown glass figures and tiny stuffed woodland animals with adorable faces.

At least a dozen sets of white lights are piled next tothem, more than enough to wrap around the tree twenty times.