Page 35 of Mountain Protector

Yes, Lark’s doing better than several days ago, when she practically gave me a heart attack after that terrible nightmare. The haunted look in her eyes is gradually fading, and she smiles more, not those tight, fake smiles,but the real ones. The dragon-slaying ones. The ones I can’t stop thinking about.

Other things I can’t stop thinking about? Holding her in my arms. Rubbing her back. Kissing her head and smelling the soft scent of vanilla and rose in her hair and feeling her soft curves pressed up against me. And hearing that tiny snuffling noise when she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder, which I know Lark thinks is embarrassing, but to me? It’s the cutest freaking sound I’ve ever heard.

But. Lark is still going through alot. And I’m not sure it would be fair to add the pressure of the whole relationship conversation to it. Especially if I’m reading her signals wrong and she’s not interested. Then she’ll feel uncomfortable and it could ruin our friendship, and on top of that, she might decide to leave the cabin because she feels weird around me.

So I’ll wait. See if there’s still this crazy chemistry between us by the time we solve her case. And if there is, then I’ll ask her out on an official date.

It’s kind of frustrating, though. If I’d only asked her out sooner… but I just wasn’tsure.

Or was I just too afraid to let anyone else in?

Am I still afraid of letting another person I care about down, and that’s the real reason I’m hesitating?

“I’ve never made a pie from scratch before,” Lark continues. “I know I could have ordered one from Decadent Delights. Or made one with the ready-made crust and filling. But with it being Thanksgiving, and it’s my first time joining you guys… I want to make a good impression.”

Her gaze is a touch anxious, but there’s hopefulanticipation in it, too. Squeezing her gloved hand, I reply, “First off, the pie looks amazing. Although,” I tease, “I’m still upset you wouldn’t let me have the first slice as payment for being your sous-chef.”

“And bring the pie with one piece missing from it?”

I laugh. “Trust me, with this group, no one would be surprised. Just wait. You won’t believe how much these guys eat.” As the anxiety in her eyes fades, I add, “And you don’t need to worry about making a good impression. Everyone on the team thinks you’re great. Winter can’t stop talking about how much she likes you.”

A pleased smile curves her lips as she says, “I really hope so.”

As we trudge along the snowy path to Enzo’s house, she glances around at the thick clusters of pines and barren maples, all coated with a layer of crystalline white. “I can’t get over how pretty it is here. I mean, I grew up in Vermont, so it’s not like I didn’t know. But having all this property, with the paths to walk down… it’s just like I always dreamed of having.”

“You can.” My mind clicks into project mode as I start mentally mapping out where I could clear paths between Lark’s property and mine. Maybe I could even build a few benches to set along the way.

“Maybe,” she replies, her expression clouding for a moment. Then she straightens her shoulders and asks brightly, “So, who else is going to be there? Aside from your teammates and Winter?”

“Well, Winter’s best friend, Violet, is here from DC. I’ve only met her once, but she seemed really nice. Enzo’s old teammate, Nolan, is here, too.Nolan just separated from the Army, so he’s been traveling while he figures out what he’s going to do next.”

“Do you know Nolan well?”

“I do. We were on different teams—he and Enzo were Bravo, I was part of the Charlie company, and Alec was Alpha—but we all trained together. I haven’t seen Nolan in a couple of years, so I’m looking forward to catching up.”

Lark nods. “And you said one of your old teammates is coming, too?”

Smiling, I reply, “Yeah. Hawk. He left the Army right before I did. Now he’s working on a fishing boat in Alaska.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting him.” She pauses, and her brows pull into a tiny V. “Are you sure I’m not going to be in the way, though? If you want to spend time with your friends?—”

“You’re not going to be in the way.” Before I can think too much about it, I let go of her hand, wrapping my arm around Lark’s waist instead. As Enzo’s house appears through a break in the trees, I hug her close to my side. “At all. I promise.”

“Okay.” Lark flashes a little smile at me. “But if you need some guy time, don’t feel like you have to keep me company. I can talk to Winter. Or one of the other guys.”

Irrational jealousy surges through me as I imagine Lark sitting on the couch talking to a very single Ronan or Alec or Gage. Not that any of them would make a move on her knowing how I feel…

Well. They don’t really know, because I haven’t said.All I’ve clung to is this wholejust friendsbusiness. But regardless, I know they wouldn’t try anything.

But what about Nolan and Hawk? As far as I know, they’re both single, too. And Lark’s so beautiful and smart and easy to talk to.

Shit. I’ll have to pull them both aside and tell them?—

“Oh, Knox. Look at the house!” Lark’s gaze is fixed on the farmhouse just ahead of us, already fully decked out for the holidays. White lights are strung all along the eaves and the porch railing, and hundreds more are twinkling on the shrubs lining the front of the house. Red ribbons decorate each window, and there’s a huge wreath on the front door. Just to the side of the porch steps, a trio of lit snowman wait to greet us.

“It’s so festive,” she continues, a soft smile curving her lips. “Winter said something about decorating, but I didn’t realize she and Enzo were doing this much.”

I’ve never given much thought to Christmas decorations aside from noticing them springing up around Thanksgiving. But given what I know about Lark, it makes sense she would get excited about them.