My dad’s voice shouts in my head, Get the gun in the nightstand! Quick!
I force my muscles to unlock and reach toward the drawer.
But even as I’m moving, I hear another horrible sound. One I recognize all too well.
A click.
I fling myself to the side, but it’s too late.
Pain explodes in my chest.
Not pain. Oh, it’s worse than that, oh please, I don’t want to die?—
“Lark. Wake up.”
I’m sobbing in pain, still reaching for the nightstand, but I can’t move.
I don’t want to die. Not now?—
“Lark, wake up. You’re okay.”
Why didn’t I hide? Why can’t I move?
“Sweetheart, wake up.” Warmth envelops me, slowly chasing away the ice seeping through my body.
A rapid heartbeat thrums beneath my ear.
“It’s alright. It’s just a dream. You’re okay.”
Reality slowly trickles in as the horrible images dissipate.
I’m being rocked. Held. Strong arms are wrapped around me. A gentle voice is crooning the same things over and over.You’re safe. It’s okay. I’ve got you. It’s just a dream.
Just a dream.
Oh, crap.
Like jigsaw pieces slotting together, it all makes sense.
I’m on the couch. In Knox’s arms. Still shaking from a whopper of a nightmare. I must have fallen asleep while we were watching a movie, and like last time, he stayed to watch over me.
He’s still hugging me, rubbing circles on my back with one hand while he strokes my hair with the other. “Are you back, sweetheart? Do you know where you are?”
Humiliation sweeps through me, an inferno burning everything in its path. But I owe Knox an answer, so I mumble into his chest, “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, Lark. No.” He leans me back and tips my chin up with his finger, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Don’t apologize. Nightmares happen.”
A few tears force their way past my defenses, leaking down my cheeks. My voice wobbles as I say, “But wewere having such a nice night. With the games, and dinner, and watching the movie…”
Knox lifts me onto his lap, so I’m sitting sideways across it. With an achingly tender touch, he thumbs the tears from my face. “We did have a nice night, Lark. This doesn’t change things.”
“But… I’m an adult. I shouldn’t be waking up screaming and crying all over you.”
“You know how I play video games with Gage at night sometimes? That’s because I have nightmares that make it really hard to sleep. He does too. So we decided to play games online together when we’re having a rough time.”
“Oh.” I knew they playedWorld of Warcraft; Knox mentioned it a few times, but I never really thought about there being a specific reason for it. “And it helps?”
“Sometimes.” Knox combs his fingers through my hair. “It helps to know I’m not alone. Even if I know the nightmares may never go away.”