Laughing, I reply, “Something like that.”
Knox grins. “Okay. Color is important. Got it.”
As I arrange everything inside the cranberry handbag, feeling very thankful I have my tampons in a separate pouch and not just thrown in on their own, Knox says, “I know I’m probably being annoying, asking you over and over if you’re okay with going out tonight.”
“You’re not.” Snapping the bag closed, I sling it overmy shoulder. I reach for his hand, giving it a little squeeze as I reply, “I don’t think you’re being annoying. I think you’re concerned.”
“I am. It’s not that I don’t think you’re strong, Lark. But you’ve been through so much. And it’s only been a few days since everything with Ric.” Worry tightens his features. “If it wasn’t for Finn and Hanna coming, and Devin and Mal, I wouldn’t have even brought it up.”
“Am I a little nervous about it? Yes.” As he starts to frown, I add quickly, “But I don’t want to let that control me.” Tightening my grip on his hand, I tug him out of the kitchen and through the living room and over to the coat rack by the door. As I reach for my puffer coat—dark green, of course—he takes it and holds it open for me to slip into.
“It’s December,” I continue. “I have Christmas shopping to do. The Winter Wonderland Walk is coming up. The big holiday party at my company is coming soon, and I really want to be there. Plus—” I hold his gaze. “I’m dating this incredible man, and I want to spend time with him. Meet his friends from the Army.”
Knox smiles, his eyes soft with affection. “I think I’m the one dating someone incredible. And I’m looking forward to you meeting them, too. I want to take you to the Wonderland Walk and be your date for the party. But I don’t want to be selfish, pushing you into something you’re not ready for.”
“You’re not.” Wrapping my arms around his waist, I tilt my head back to look at him. “I want to do this. A little fear isn’t going to stop me. And anyway, the way I look at it, I couldn’t be safer. Of everyone that’s going toBlissful Brews, there are seven former Special Forces, right?”
“Yes. Finn and Devin were Green Berets, too. And I think Max will be there. I’m not sure if you’ve run into him, but he runs the car shop in town. He’s not former military, but he can be intimidating if you don’t know him.”
With a smile slightly more confident than I’m actually feeling, I say, “I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.”
And I’m not going to let the little flutters of anxiety in my stomach ruin it. No way. Not when I’m about to spend the evening with some of Knox’s closest friends. And not that I mind spending quiet evenings together, but I’m excited about going on a regular date with my amazing and very sexy boyfriend.
He’s looking particularly sexy tonight in dark jeans and a charcoal sweater that stretches just the right amount across his chest and biceps. His jacket is this dark blue that makes his eyes pop, and every time he smiles at me, my heart jumps.
It might sound weird, but ever since I watched Knox come storming in to protect me from Ric, I haven’t been able to get the image out of my mind. Not the scary Ric-pointing-a-gun-at-me part, although that’s wedged firmly in my memory, too, but the sexy Special Forces soldier part. The part where Knox looked so intense and dangerous, but I knew it was because he was protecting me.
Even his voice was sexy, all growly and tough. And then when he rushed to me, pulling me so carefully into his arms and kissing me…
Oh. My.
Now I understand why people like reading romances with military men in them. But this is even better because it’s real. And Knox is mine.
“Songbird.” Laughter is dancing in Knox’s eyes as he looks at me. “Is there any reason your cheeks just went pink?”
Argh. Sometimes being a redhead stinks.
But I’m not pussyfooting around it this time. Since the incident at the Edwardsons’ house, Knox has been staying at my place, but still on the couch. And he’s been extra cautious with me, stopping our very pleasurable make-out sessions before they can go too far. Which is very sweet and I didn’t mind at first, but now? I’m ready for more.
With a defiant lift of my chin, I say, “I was thinking about how sexy you looked when you went all tough Special Forces guy the other day.”
He blinks. “Tough Special Forces guy?”
“Yes. All intense and dangerous. And growly.”
Lips twitching, he asks, “Dangerous and growly?”
“Yes. I knew you were Special Forces, of course. But actually seeing you in action… well, sort of… it was sexy. I haven’t stopped thinking about how you looked.”
“Oh.” Eyes darkening to a deep twilight, his voice goes rough as he says, “Well. I could try to be growly later, if you’d like. And maybe… I could rescue you again?”
And now I’m imagining Knox scooping me into his arms and rushing into the bedroom, his gaze all intense and dark with desire, and I’m breathless with need,aching to be filled. He looks down at me, his voice all rumbly as he says?—