Page 79 of A Seed Of Peril

This was the epitome of happiness. Love. Celebration. Good food andla mia famiglia.

Toward the end of our meals, my anxiety crept in for a quick second as wait-staff started singing “Happy Birthday” and making their way to our booth. I instantly relaxed, smiling as Dino pretended to act bashful, stifling a laugh. They put one of their small, one-layer cakes in front of him, a single-lit candle in the middle. The chocolate frosting made me nearly drool. Four staff members stood side by side diagonally to us as they wrapped up the song, speaking the last lyric in Greek.

“Chrónia mou pollá.”

They made sure we were all set and then dispersed.

I looked over at Dominic, a sneaking suspicion that he was behind that. The reverence of his expression and in his eyes as he watched his brother thank us was my confirmation.

“Make a wish!” Katrina exclaimed. She laughed when he pretended to shake off his faux nervousness.

In the seconds I watched Dino stare at the candle, a certain kind of emotion flashed across his features. It wasn’t quite sadness, but a man who maybe wanted time to slow down.

What he wanted could never be wished for. Time travel wasn’t real.

He blinked, effectively pulling himself out of his head, and playfully blew out the candle. We did a mix of clapping and cheering, wishing him more happy birthdays.

If I had a magic wand, I would’ve granted him every wish he desired. Taken away every tear he shed in secret. I would’ve pieced together his fragmented heart and sucked the darkness that had a hold on his soul because such silent pain shouldn’t afflict any man, much less Dino.

Jessica Santiago would still be alive if I had that magic fucking wand.

* * *

“Lulu, sit with me!”

Katrina grew more attached to me as the weeks passed but only felt comfortable calling me her mom when it was just the two of us.Was she scared any of her uncles would object? Was it even fear at all?I made it a point to discuss it with her when I deemed it appropriate. And when I figured outhowto approach it.

She bounded up into the Escalade, waving at me and Dino from the back seat. Angelo must’ve said the right thing because she nodded and decided to wait patiently as he finished buckling her in. Anthony hopped in the left seat of the last row, Angelo sitting in the middle row on the right. Dominic walked around the front of his vehicle, our bag of leftovers in hand.

The chocolate cake was devoured. No crumbs.

Our security got in their vehicles, headlights shining as the engines purred to life.

“I’m glad I picked this place,” Dino said. “That’s one of the good things about Jersey—fantastic food on every fucking corner.”

With my arm around his back and his hand on the small of mine, Mr. Santiago and I casually walked to the SUV. It was a beautiful night. Low 60s. Clear skies. I wanted to be sure he was okay after what happened when he made his birthday wish. He was never one to easily bring anyone into his truth, no matter how well he trusted them.

“Vincenzo liked it; I know that.”

“Then, it’s settled; we either up and move this place closer to us, or we make a location in Saddle River happen.”

Smiling to myself, I wondered, “Can you actually do that?”

“Put one in town? Yeah, just gotta write a big enough check.”

“Or take over as owner of the company as Angelo suggested.”

Dominic started the engine of the Escalade, patiently watching his brother and me. Before we left Kostas, I told him I wanted to catch up with Dino. Check on him.



Cracking an amused smile, I finally asked him, “Are you okay?”

“‘Course I am.”

Nope. He did his best to sound convincing, but I heard it—his mask.