Page 8 of A Touch of Cowboy

Another one of those killer smiles from Will.

Rex yipped.

Avery exhaled. “My dog is way too smart for his own good.”

“Well, I hope to get to say goodbye before I leave.”

Justin chuckled. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

“Great.” Will nudged Fallon forward.

Avery glanced down at Rex. “Are you going to come, or are you going to make me drag you?” She wouldn’tactuallydrag him. But she’d be annoyed.

The dog shrugged, then headed in the direction of the house.

Rainbow and Kennedy actually lived on the property while Avery, Justin, and Denise worked there. Healing Horses Ranch always had more clients than they could handle—and yet they managed to fit just about everyone into the schedule.

So what’s Will’s story?

Oh well, she wouldn’t ask, and Justin wouldn’t divulge.

Her curiosity would just have to go unfulfilled.

Chapter Four

Willwatchedthetall,willowy blonde with the stunning blue eyes and the cutest little dog he’d ever met walk away.

“She’s attractive.”

He snapped his head back to face Justin. Heat flashed through his cheeks. “Well, I’d say all the women who work at the ranch are attractive.” He grinned. “And the men too.”

Justin laughed. “Well, Max will be happy to hear that.”

Will cocked his head.

“Max is the resident psychiatrist. He’s sporting a black beard these days. He thinks it makes him look less attractive. I told him women love a mystery, and a man with a beard provides just the right level of intrigue.”

“If you say so.” Will said the words on a laugh. He’d felt pretty good when arriving here—secure in the knowledge he didn’t really need a counsellor—but being here lightened him further. Being on the back of a horse would always do that for him.

Simultaneously, they dismounted.

Rainbow was there to snag the reins, but Will clutched his. “May I help?”

She grinned. “Of course.”

Justin handed his over. “I have another client.” He pivoted to Will. “We have another appointment Friday afternoon.”

“Yeah, about that—”

The counsellor held up his hand. “Humor me. Reassure your sister. It’s not a big ask.”

In passing, Will wondered if the counselling center needed the money from his appointment, but he dismissed that. Justin honestly seemed to care. Will had to respect that.

Rainbow removed Sugar’s saddle.

Will did the same for Fallon. Then he brushed her down with long, gentle strokes. “These are beautiful horses.”

His companion hummed in agreement. “Retired show horses were our first choice. They come well-trained and are used to lots of different people. We weren’t sure how they’d handle distressed people, but they’ve all proved up to the task.” She shot a look over at Tiffany, who lay curled on a dog bed. “She does most of the heavy lifting.” The woman grinned. “With the counsellors coming a close second.”