“He’s already in my arms. No big deal.”
I wish you were in my arms.
Okay, where had that thought come from? Will could be a sucker for a lovely woman, but he never acted on the attraction. He’d engaged in a few flings before Darla had come along, but he’d been faithful to her their entire marriage. Hell, he’d continued to be faithful to her, even after her death.
Avery regarded him, her blue eyes sparkling, despite the setting sun. “Sure. I think Kennedy wanted to speak to you anyway.”
Dumbfounded, Will followed Avery back into the house.
He gently placed Rex on the ground, but the dog merely wound himself around his new friend.
“Careful not to trip over him.” Kennedy smiled as she approached. “I’ve never seen him so…taken…with a stranger before.”
“I’m flattered?” Will removed his hat. As he should have before.
Kennedy waved toward said hat. “We don’t stand on ceremony here.”
“Well, ma’am, I appreciate that. Especially with my hat head.”
As he’d hoped, she laughed. “I’d never comment.”
“That’s appreciated.” He put the hat back on. “Avery said you wanted to speak to me?”
Avery who appeared very busy doing something in the kitchen. Within hearing range.
“Yes.” Kennedy advanced.
The woman’s height impressed. So did Rainbow and Avery’s. Darla had been…petite. Tiny, really. He’d always worried he might hurt her with his enormous size and powerful strength.
She’d said she wasn’t scared. And had proved that over and over.
Still, a woman like Avery’d be better equipped.
And where did that come from?He’d encountered three beautiful women today—and none wore wedding rings—but Avery was the one who’d caught his notice.
Kennedy cleared her throat.
Will flushed, realizing he’d been caught staring at Avery.
“I wanted to invite you to our Christmas party.”
“Oh, I’m new—”
“All current and former clients are welcome. We’ve got the space to accommodate a large crowd.” She pointed to the main room which was, indeed, large.
Unbidden, he glanced over at Avery.
“All the staff are attending.”
He pivoted his attention back to Kennedy, feeling heat creep into his cheeks at her words.
“And dogs,” Avery added. “Rex will be thrilled to see you.” She nodded to Kennedy. “We need to get going.”
“Of course.” Kennedy crouched, holding out her hand to Rex.
He barrelled over, sniffed, and gave her a lopsided grin. Then a gentle kiss.
She scratched behind his ears. “You’re a good boy.”