He slid his hand between them and flicked her clit.
As she fought for friction, he rubbed her a couple more times. Then it was all over. She tumbled over the cliff and into the abyss of pleasure.
He pressed home twice more, than held himself still.
Their gazes locked.
She’d just lost her heart to this man.
This man who’d be gone come morning.
Chapter Eight
Christmasmorningdawnedwithgray, overcast skies and lots of snow. Nothing his four-wheel drive and snow tires couldn’t handle.
Still, as Will held Avery in his arms, he didn’t want to leave.
MaryAnn promised she wouldn’t make the kids wait to open their presents until he got home. She might’ve slyly suggested he could bring home hisfriend. His sister was a wickedly smart woman. She knew he’d only bail on them if it meant getting laid.
Except being with Avery felt way more special than justgetting laid. Sure, a five-year dry spell was a hell of a thing to break. But he was happy to do it. He loved Darla. Always would. But she would’ve been kicking his ass if she’d seen him moping for the last five years.
MaryAnn’s demand for a visit had knocked him out of his complacency.
Avery’s kindness had sort of healed his broken heart.
She stirred.
Then pressed her ass back against his crotch.
His cock stirred.
“Um, do you have time for…?”
He nibbled her neck. “I always have time for…”
Well, he’d make time. And he did. An hour and a half later, after making love and then a shower that resulted in more orgasms, as well as a long walk for Rex, they sat at the breakfast bar in her kitchen, eating the amazing pancakes she’d cooked.
“I get to clean up, right?”
“Don’t you have to get to your sister’s?”
He glanced at his watch and winced. “Yeah.”
“So leave the dishes. I don’t have anything else to do today.”
“What if…” He winced again.
“Sheesh, that doesn’t look good. Just spit it out, Will.”
“No, it’s good.” He raced to assure her. “Just…would you consider coming home with me? Unless you have other plans.” Except she hadn’t mentioned anything, and pretty clearly there wasn’t a man in her life.
She blinked. “I’d love that. My parents are on a Hawaiian cruise for Christmas. They’re going to call tomorrow. Are you sure your sister won’t mind?”
He grinned. “Oh, MaryAnn will be thrilled. She’ll also give you the third degree.”
The dog sniffed and licked.
Avery winked. “I’m pretty sure I can hold my own.” She eyed Rex.