Chapter thirteen
Bringingamanhomewas bold—and not something she did often.
He made her feel all kinds of wonderful things, and she reveled in those emotions. When he looked at her, a spark lit a flame low in her belly. And sure, sexual attraction played a part in this. But a bigger part was the intellectual component. He challenged her mind—and she loved that.
As she pulled into the driveway, she spotted her fat cat perched in the window and waiting for her.
“Plato looks happy to see you.”
She cut her guest a glance. “He’s excited to get his food.”
“You do spoil him.”
Instead of being insulted, she grinned. “He’s a good boy. Kept me company on a lot of long, lonely nights.”
This time, Mitch cut her a glance as he undid his seat belt.
She felt heat rush to her cheeks. “That was revealing more than I intended.”
He snagged her hand. “Loriana, you’re a beautiful woman. I wouldn’t be surprised if men had come courting. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d let the odd one into your bed. Or more—I don’t judge.”
“There’ve been a few.” She met his gaze, and his pupils were wide in the dim light of the porch. “A few. Yes, I’ve enjoyed company. But I’m just as happy on my own. I’ve made a good life for myself.”
“And so you have. Are you going to invite me in? My feet are going numb.”
“Undoubtedly your balls are freezing as well. Isn’t that a common phrase?”
He guffawed. “Yes, men have been known to say that when complaining about the cold. That sensitive part of our anatomy doesn’t receive the same care as other important parts.” He quirked an eyebrow.
Quite unexpectedly, she placed her free hand against his heart. “You’re a good man, Mitch Alexander. Now, we can’t have your toes or your balls freezing.” She glanced toward the window. “Or have my kitty-cat starve.”
She leaned over to place a chaste kiss on his cheek before exiting the vehicle.
He followed suit, and when they were both clear, she used her remote to lock the car. She used her key to open the door and, as expected, Plato made a beeline for her. She ignored him as she removed her boots and coat.
Mitch did the same, although he eyed the cat.
Plato eyed him back.
Loriana whistled as she stepped into the kitchen
Plato was right on her heels.
“Hey, do you want to feed him?”
Mitch followed her. “Sure.” His eyes narrowed. “Why?”
“Well, I have to run to the bathroom, and I want you two to bond.”
He snickered, but took the tin she offered.
She made a quick exit, heading for the bathroom. She really did need to use the facilities, and she honestly didn’t think it’d be a bad thing for the two males in her life to bond. In the past, when she shut Plato out of the bedroom, he’d become downright hostile to the men. Smart cat assumed they were the reason he lost his treasured spot on her bed.
Mitch is different.
He was. He really was. But putting her finger on the difference wasn’t quite as easy. Yes, he was handsome. Yes, he was intelligent. Yes, he pressed all of her buttons. But she’d been with attractive and smart men before. Some had stayed a few weeks. A couple had stayed a few months. None more than about nine months and certainly none had moved in.