He acknowledged her correction with a nod. “Loriana…”

He said her name softly and in a way that made butterflies flap in her stomach.

“You’re correct, there’s nothing wrong with the computers. But they are, frankly, old. You’ve done a great job of keeping up with software updates, but the machines themselves are antiquated.”

“I won’t argue that point. I’m just not certain why you’re here.”

Mitch’s brow furrowed, creating a littlevbetween his eyebrows.

Adorable. Wait. What?

“I have a work order to replace all ten computers. Your name’s on it.” He held her gaze. “At least you said you were Loriana Harper. I assume there’s only one.”

“I am.” But that didn’t clear up the confusion. “May I see the work order?”

“For sure.” He held up a finger. “I’ll be right back.” He held her gaze for one moment longer before heading to the back of the library.

Loriana turned to Marnie. “I don’t understand. We requested the computers three months ago, but the city council turned us down because they considered it a large capital expenditure. We were going to try to replace one machine at a time by cutting other costs.” Budgeting was her least-favorite part of the job, but a necessity as head librarian. If she cut into their book-buying budget, then she could replace the computers more quickly, but books were always the last thing on her list to go. If not for books, the library wouldn’t exist.

Marnie shrugged. “Maybe they changed their minds?”

“And didn’t tell me?” Loriana scoffed. “Not likely. Regan Lystrom would be lording this over me if that were the case.” She tried to like everyone, but Regan always rubbed her the wrong way.

The woman had been on the city council since the last election, and although young, she was also ambitious.

Normally Loriana admired that trait, but she found it repulsive in Regan, who was as likely to tread on some poor hapless person on her way up as she was to stab that person in the back, given half a chance.

Mitch reappeared, carrying a clipboard. He handed it to her.

Loriana scanned it quickly, noting not only were there no prices but that the document was markedpaid in full. She handed the clipboard back to Mitch. “Who paid you?”

He looked surprised, then twisted his lips.

Why do I find this man so adorable?

“I received an e-transfer. For the entire amount. About a week ago. I put together all the equipment and came in today. It’s going to take me several days to install everything. Excuse me, but have I done something wrong?”

“Of course not.”

Well, look at that.Marniewas offering the assurances. “If you received payment, then I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. Or maybe somebody donated the equipment. I mean, you haven’t been quiet about your requests.” She directed that last comment at Loriana.

She was right, of course. Loriana’d been clear about her view that the library needed new computers to meet the needs of Mission City’s growing population. Still, this turn of events stunned her. She hadn’t seen this coming. With reluctance, she returned the clipboard.

Mitch took it and first met Marnie’s gaze, then hers. “I, uh, offered a discount. Whoever paid me rejected the offer, which was considerate, but I’m always supportive of my community. I understand you have laptops you lend out to patrons who need them.”

“We do.” Loriana frowned. Where was this going?

“I’m adding two netbooks to the order, free of charge.” He ducked his head. “I didn’t want to say anything, but you’re bound to notice when you compare the work order to the equipment. You seem like an observant woman. I doubt anything gets past you.”

“Well, the purchase of the computers seems to have.” What in the world? Who would do such a thing? She shook off the feeling. “You came here to ask a question. I apologize for derailing you. Obviously you’re busy.”

“Never too busy when presented with the opportunity to speak to two lovely women.” He focused on folding and unfolding a corner of the paper on his clipboard, then glanced up at Loriana. “Begging your pardon.”

She grinned. “I never mind being called lovely. As long as intelligent follows soon after.”

“Without hesitation.” He swung the clipboard, indicating toward the back. “I need someone to help me create a login and to test the software installation.”

“I’ll do it.”