Taking it was a no-brainer.

When she led him to the laundry room, he cocked his head.

She opened the dryer door, and everything became clear. And because his top was just the tiniest bit damp—and so were his underwear—he stripped. She reciprocated. Her movements were efficient, but Mitch reveled in every inch of creamy skin she uncovered. He had plans for worshiping every spot on her body. If it took all night, he was game. If it took a lifetime? Yeah, that’d be okay too.

They scurried to the bathroom, and soon Loriana had the water turned on. Within moments, she dragged him under the hot spray.

He stood with the water pounding on his back as he gazed into the eyes of the woman he could now admit he loved. Her vivacity, her spirit, her zest for life—they all made her perfect. Well, she had a few flaws. But those endeared her to him further.

When his hair was wet enough, he reversed their positions. Soon the water cascaded over her. Her light-auburn hair darkened under the spray.

“Let me wash your hair?”

She winked. “I’d rather you wash other parts of me.”

He grinned. “All in due time.”

With a pout, she turned her back to him.

Pouring out a large dollop of shampoo, he set about cleaning the tresses he so loved. When he scraped his fingernails against her scalp, she moaned.

The sound went straight to his cock. Yet he managed to focus on her. He used the excess shampoo to wash down her back to her ass.

She giggled.

“I always wondered if you were a breast or an ass man.”

“I’m a Loriana man.”

Another sigh.

With reluctance, he turned her so he could rinse her hair—mindful of not getting soap in her eyes.

Those trusting eyes continued to gaze up at him. What did she see? A man besotted? A man conflicted? A man still struggling to find his place in the world?

Or did she simply see a man who adored her, and who’d fight every demon and slay every dragon to keep her safe?

“So serious.” Her eyes lit with mischief. “And now I get to wash your hair.”

He chuckled. “There isn’t much of it.” And he’d have to bend down to give her access.

Might be fun.

So they switched places, him facing away from her. He bent his knees as she lathered him up. She repeated the fingernail action, and that sent more bursts of lust through his veins. When she nudged him, he turned and leaned back into the spray so the shampoo could wash out.

In a bold move, he cupped her cheek and moved in for a kiss.

A moment before their lips touched, her eyes drifted shut.

Okay, permission then.

He pressed their lips together and, unsurprisingly, she opened for him immediately. As he thrust his tongue into her mouth and began a mating ritual with hers, he let his other hand wander. Down her arm and back up her side. Then down to cup a breast. He tweaked her nipple just the way she liked.

She moaned.

With renewed passion, he meandered his hand lower still. Her abdomen, her belly button, and lower still. As he insinuated his finger between her thighs, she widened her stance, opening for him. He slid his fingers through her wet folds to search for—and successfully locate—her clit. He rubbed, he flicked, he gently massaged.

She moaned, she bucked, she ground her teeth.