
Okay, so that was something Loriana could do. She moved swiftly into the living room. Marnie sat on the sofa with Owen next to her. Marcus and Tristan stood off to the side. Clearly they didn’t want to crowd.

Although Marnie was fragile, Loriana’d never seen her like this. The woman shook visibly and was clearly distraught.

Owen, as the doctor, was the most logical choice to care for her.

But her eyes were fixed on Tristan. Unsurprising, since, as far as Loriana could determine, he was the only man she knew.

What had she been thinking? Inviting eight single men to a party. She should’ve at least added some women.

Or maybe not done it at all.

Yes, this was looking like one of her more ill-advised matchmaking schemes. Even when she was single, she wanted to pair everyone. Now that she had Mitch, she was doubly enthusiastic to match the whole world.

She advanced slowly and crouched before her friend. “Are you okay?”

Marnie fluttered the hand Owen wasn’t holding. “The cops and…a woman was murdered? And they think Mitch did it?”

Her voice was rising just a touch on every word.

Loriana longed to take her other hand, but experience had taught her that touching Marnie was a no-no. The fact she was letting Owen hold her hand spoke volumes. Either she didn’t realize, or she needed the doctor’s reassurance. The very kind, gentle, and young doctor. Handsome to boot.

Stop it.

“I want to go home.” Marnie’s words were tremulous.

“Okay.” Loriana didn’t want her to go, but she wouldn’t force her to stay. “But I don’t think you’re fit to drive home.”

The woman’s green eyes widened. “I’ll be okay.”

“I’d prefer to be safe,” Owen said, interjecting. “Why don’t I drive you in your car? One of these young men can follow me and drive me back here to pick up mine.”

Both Tristan and Marcus nodded vigorously.

Loriana knew she should offer. But leaving here seemed like the wrong thing to do. Party guests excluded, she still felt the need to hunker down. She’d go to the detachment of the Mission City RCMP if she thought it’d do any good, but her mind told her it wouldn’t. Listening to that over her heart was proving a challenge.

Marnie, with Owen’s guidance, rose. Loriana went ahead of them, sorting through the coats until she came to her friend’s. She held it out while Owen snagged his. Tristan did the same.

“What’s your address?” Tristan’s question to Marnie.

“34597 Hawthorne Street.”

Owen took the keys Marnie fished from her pocket. “Do you have a purse?”

She shook her head.

“Great. Let’s get going.”

Tristan exited first and held the door open for the doctor and the younger woman.

The woman who, Loriana noted, didn’t look back. That hurt. No matter how far Marnie withdrew into her shell, on occasion, she always managed to connect with Loriana. “I’ll have to call her later and check up.” She said this to no one in particular, but Marcus nodded in agreement.

He was reaching for his coat as Zach entered the room. He muttered, “fuck” under his breath.

Zach put his hands on his hips.

Marcus yanked on his coat. He reached for Loriana’s hand.