Loriana arrived, practically dragging Marnie with her. She thrust a plate in the petite woman’s hands and propelled her toward the food.

Marnie looked like a cottontail rabbit who’d just spotted a hunter.

Seven hunters, to be exact.

Well, five, if you removed the two gay men. But she didn’t know that.

And although Mitch was keenly aware of just how short Marnie was—barely over five feet—he was also aware of how tall the men in the room were. He was the tallest, his six-foot-four frame giving him the trophy, but most of the men were just over or just under six feet. Loriana held her own, but poor Marnie was completely overwhelmed.

She’d put a few things on her plate and was scurrying back to the living room when the side door opened. Her look of unadulterated panic assured Mitch that Loriana’s little matchmaking scheme was destined to be an utter failure. In fact, he suspected if Marnie could’ve bolted right now without making a scene, she’d be out the door.

A newcomer stepped into the house as Mitch made his way to greet the man. Another six-footer with dark-brown hair and brown eyes. The snow he brushed off his head was much thicker. He glanced up to see Mitch.

“Sorry, I knocked, but no one answered. I figured since this was a party, it’d be okay to wander in.”

Mitch smiled. “Of course. I’m Mitch Alexander, Loriana’s boyfriend. And you are…”

The man held out his hand. “Zach Finnegan. Sorry I’m late—got caught up with work.” He removed his coat. “Kind of nice to have somewhere welcoming to go. Wasn’t looking forward to my empty condo. My sister Anika’s with her best friend getting up to God-knows-what trouble.”

So, in other words, another bachelor.


“Well, Loriana will be thrilled to see you. As will the other guys. I’m sure.”

Zach arched an eyebrow at that.

“It’s a long story.” One Mitch wouldn’t offer. Zach seemed like a pretty smart guy—he could likely piece together this clusterfuck for himself.

As they entered the dining room, Zach stiffened.

All the men except the barista and the accountant were standing around talking.

“Brannigan,” Zach growled. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Mitch glanced at Marcus who appeared just as shocked.

“I didn’t know,” the man began weakly.

“Well, you know now.” Zach’s tone bit.

“Okay, so here’s the trifle.” Loriana breezed into the room from the kitchen.

Marcus carefully laid his plate on the table. “I’m so glad you invited me, Loriana.” Mitch didn’t miss the emphasis oninvited. “But I need to be going.”

“I’m just serving dessert and…” Her voice trailed off as she registered the palpable tension in the room. She looked back and forth between Zach and Marcus and the color drained from her face. Her rosy cheeks went blanch-white. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I forgot…”

“It’s been a long time,” Marcus tried.

“Not long enough,” Zach snapped back. “Your sister killed my sister. I’ll never forgive you for that.”

Oh shit.

Judging by the looks on various other faces, no one else seemed to have any idea what was going on. Whatever happened, either memories had failed or most of the others had forgotten.

No, Noel knew.

Mitch couldn’t peg how that knowledge came to him with such certainty, but it did.