Owen grinned sheepishly, running a hand through his light-brown hair. “Yes, that’d be lovely.”
“I’ll get it.”
Mitch headed off to the kitchen, leaving Loriana to guide Owen into the living room. She discovered Marcus sat in a chair near Marnie and was studiously staring at his coffee.
He leapt up when he noticed Owen and extended his hand. “Hey, Doc, how’s it going?”
“Quite well. I’m covering at the hospital tomorrow, but I get tonight off. Busy these days. And you?”
“Plenty of people falling in these icy conditions. Also a few people with aches from sitting at computers so long. With so many people working from home these days, they don’t get the exercise they used to when they commuted.”
“But they’re spending less time in their cars.”
“Which can be good.” Marcus grinned when Mitch handed Owen the glass of amber liquid. “Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Just the one.”
“Owen.” Loriana placed a hand on his arm. “Have you met Marnie before?”
“I’ve not had the pleasure.”
He moved toward her, and she visibly shrank in her seat.
Loriana was about to comment when another knock came. She went to the door and found Noel, Tristan, and Xavier waiting for her.
Noel, the shortest of the three—and no slouch himself—pointed to the other two. “Three wise men seeking shelter.”
Loriana laughed. Tristan was a barista at Starbucks, Xavier was a solicitor with a thriving law practice, and Noel… She wracked her brain. Oh, something to do with marketing. She stood aside to usher them in as Darius presented himself.
“Nice to see you, Loriana.”
She returned the smile. Their one date had been pleasant, but both realized they were better off as friends. As well, she was happy to get the accountant to do her yearly taxes. He presented her with a paper plate of butter tarts, and she smiled. “Thanks for this.”
“No one told me we were expected to bring things.”
Declan’s Irish brogue was unmistakable and, as Loriana gazed at the man, she remembered why she’d fancied him so much. Black-as-night longish hair with piercing blue eyes gave him a roguish look. They’d had fun, but hadn’t found true compatibility. Again, parting as friends seemed logical. But she could remember his talented tongue.
In her fantasies.
She spun to see Mitch.
“Can I have a word?”
His scowl didn’t portend a friendly chat. “Uh, sure.”
Chapter eighteen
“Whatdoyouthinkyou’re doing?” Mitch’d all but dragged Loriana into the kitchen and now glared down on the woman he cared for. The woman hemightjust be falling in love with.
My girlfriend.
He’d staked that claim when the first good-looking man had arrived. The physiotherapist. Now seven men were congregated in the living room. Seven tall, handsome men ranging in ages—if he had to guess—between twenty-five and forty. And gut instinct told him they were all eligible bachelors.
“Did you think how this would feel for Marnie?”