Marnie accepted the eggnog Loriana handed her and ducked her head.
Loriana placed Mitch’s drink on the coffee table and headed to the door.
Marcus Brannigan stood on her doorstep looking lost. He often did, in his moments of silence.
That’s why she’d invited him. And he was kind. “Please come in. Lovely to see you.”
“I can’t stay long.” He removed his coat and brushed snow from his brown hair. “I’m visiting with Casey, Shannon, and Jaelynne later tonight.”
His twin sisters and their best friend were all women Loriana’d known when they were younger. All now virtual shut-ins after a devastating accident when they were seventeen. “How’re they doing?”
Marcus offered his typical shrug. “It’ll be nice to see them. My parents are down from the interior, so that’s bound to brighten things up, right?” He didn’t meet her gaze as he offered a container of salsa and some nacho chips.
“Lovely. I’ll set these out. Can I get you something to drink?”
He sniffed. “Coffee’d be great. I had an early start.”
“At your physio clinic?”
A nod. And another ducked head. When he worked as a physiotherapist, he was bold and assertive. Sometimes, in social gatherings, he was reticent.
“Well, go ahead and join Marnie in the living room while I get your coffee. Oh, Mitch.”
He’d just returned from dumping the cushions somewhere. Likely her bedroom.
“This is Marcus. Marcus this is…”
Oh, shit.
They’d never discussed this—never defined their relationship. She didn’t want to be presumptuous and—
Mitch lightly put his arm around her waist and drew her close. “I’m Loriana’s boyfriend, Mitchell Alexander. Most people call me Mitch.” He offered his hand.
Marcus shook it and offered a wide smile. “Ah, so you’ve snagged one of Mission City’s most eligible residents. You’re new in town, right? Good work.”
This time, Mitch ducked his head a little, and Loriana’s cheeks heated.
And what did you expect?
“Well, why don’t you come in? Mitch will take you in to the living room while I grab your coffee.”
“Am I the first to arrive?”
“Oh, no. Marnie’s here.”
Casual enough?
Marcus frowned for a moment, then his expression lightened. “She works with you. Great.” He let himself be led away by Mitch who gave her a hard stare.
She gave him anothing to see herelook and headed off for coffee.
Dr. Owen McCauley arrived next.
Loriana’d just given Marcus his coffee and made a beeline for the door when she heard the knock.
The family physician was newer to Mission City and was jovial. “So glad you invited me.” He added his coat to the pile. “Blustery night.”
“I hope the worst of the snow holds off until everyone’s here,” Loriana returned. “You drink brandy, right?”