“Point made.”

A look flashed in her eyes that he almost missed. “What is it?”

She waved her other hand as if swatting a fly. “Nothing. It’s really nothing.”

He didn’t believe that. Not for a single second. He’d hit a nerve. No idea which, but something nonetheless.

“So you’ll spend Christmas with me?”

Her earnestness shone through. No deviousness or subterfuge. Just an honest desire to have him attend.

“Yeah, I’m in.”

She smacked the table with her other hand. “That means I might be able to get Marnie to come.”

He grinned. “And now I know your actual intention.”

Another wave. “You know that’s not the only reason.” Her words were dismissive, but her eyes blazed fire.

Oh yes, he knew.

“Got your food.” Sarabeth arrived and placed their dishes in front of them. “I’ll be right back with the syrup.” And she was. “All good?”

Both Mitch and Loriana grinned up at her.

“Well, then, wave me down or holler if you need me.” She pivoted and headed back to the front.

Mitch inhaled. Everything looked amazing. He poked his fork over toward Loriana’s food.

She batted it back. Then, after lifting her chin in the air, she dumped a small piece of French toast on his plate. He, in turn, gave her a slice of tomato.

They consumed the meal in silence. Mitch enjoyed the food, but the prices were a little high for his budget. Well worth every penny—just something he needed to watch.

This time, when Sarabeth approached with the machine, he let Loriana pay.

Her grin was triumphant.

He was happy to give her this.

When they left the restaurant, the brilliant sunshine almost hurt his eyes.

“I can drop you off at your place.”

“I appreciate the offer, Loriana, but it’s not that far of a walk, and I need the exercise. A chance to clear my head.”

She poked his chest. “Just don’t think about Colton.”

And yet, they both knew he’d do exactly that.

They stared awkwardly at each other.

Am I supposed to kiss her?

They hadn’t discussed this. What happened last night was still so new. He didn’t want to be presumptuous. And he’d never been big on PDA—especially with Marjorie. Given the improper nature of their relationship, discretion’d been a necessity.

Loriana took the debate right out of his hands when she grasped his cheeks and yanked his mouth toward hers.

Taking his cues from her, he kept the kiss chaste. Part of him—a part he wasn’t ready to explore—wanted more. Wanted to claim her so no one would look at her and think she was still available. He wanted to pull her flush against him and remind her of what they’d done last night.