He grasped her cheeks and eased her toward him.
Their lips touched, and she opened, ready for a fierce kiss. She twined her hands around his neck to tug him closer. Their tongues tangled as each fought for dominance. On the one hand, she wanted this—wanted him. Would be happy to drag him back to her bed. On the other hand, she’d barely started her morning protein shake before Nosy Norma called, and Mitch hadn’t eaten anything in over sixteen hours. Time to feed him.
With reluctance, she pulled back.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. A gesture she was coming to like—a lot. “You grab your coat. Do you have everything?”
“I haven’t…the bedroom…”
She snickered. “Can wait until tonight. I assume you fed Plato, because he didn’t leap on me the moment I walked through the door.”
Mitch eyed the cat who dozed in his chair without a care in the world. “Yes, he’s been fed. Not overly appreciative.”
Another snicker escaped. “No, my cat isn’t known for being generous. I think he’s becoming cantankerous in his old age.”
“Becoming?” He laughed. “I’d say he’s already there.”
Plato opened one eye, gave Mitch a good once-over, then closed the eye and went back to sleep.
Both humans in the room laughed.
Mitch moved to the door where he donned his boots, coat, and gloves.
“I miss the reindeer hat.”
He might’ve just blushed. Hard to tell with his dark skin.
“There’ll be more times before Christmas.”
She clapped her hands. “Oh, yes, Christmas. Do you have plans? I have a celebration for close single friends on Christmas Eve, and then my house is open for most of Christmas Day for anyone who wants to drop in. You’ve got to come.”
His hand on the doorknob, he stilled. “That’s very generous of you.”
“So you’ll come?”
“That’s still almost three weeks away. A lot can happen in three weeks.”
Fucking Colton. She’d no doubt the cocky cop was the reason Mitch hesitated.
“Well, the offer stands.” She motioned for him to open the door—which he did. She followed and locked up. She’d been forced to park on the street, as Colton’d used her driveway.
The morning shone brilliantly—unusual for this time of year. She could see clear across to Mount Baker as well as the entire Fraser Valley. The air was crisp and fresh—although still a little cold for her liking.
Mitch slid into the passenger seat as she hustled into the driver’s. She turned on the engine and was just about to pull away when movement caught her eye. Sighing, she put the car in park and rolled down her window. Cold air from outside warred with the heat pushing through the vents.
“Miss Harper.”
“Hello, Norma.”
She could use the woman’s last name, but she liked to try to keep things informal. Especially when she was about to get a dressing-down.
Norma leaned over to peer in the car. She didn’t have far to stoop since she was well under five feet.
Loriana towered over her. She enjoyed that feeling of power. The petite woman clearly didn’t.
“What was Corporal Pritchard doing here?”
Loriana’s first instinct was to claim it a social call. Colton no longer wore the uniform while working and he hadn’t been in a police cruiser. But she also had no doubt Norma’d ferret out the real reason. No secrets and all that.