“There’s a vast difference between being a suspect and being guilty.” She crossed to him and dropped to her haunches, looking up into his bleak eyes. “Unless you did it. And although you’re clever, I don’t think even you’d be able to pull that off.”

With great gentleness, he ghosted his thumb down her cheek. “Your faith in me is breath-taking. I’m not sure you should be so trusting.”

“Did you do it?”Will you tell me the truth?

“No, I didn’t. Could I have found someone to give me a fake ID? These days? People like that exist, but it’s damn hard. But there are surveillance cameras everywhere. So whether I flew to California out of Vancouver International, or took a car down to Bellingham or Seattle and flew out of there, tons of footage would be hanging around. And, let’s be honest, I’m pretty easy to spot.”

She wouldn’t argue with that.

“Have you had breakfast?”

“I…uh…” He appeared momentarily confused. “No. I was barely out of bed when the cop called. Is he always like that?”

She considered. “Nope, sometimes he’s worse.” She pressed a hand to Mitch’s arm. “But he’s not all bad. He and his partner, Dorrie, take some of the toughest cases. I’ve heard he’s good with victims. Part of me believes that, and part of me wants to snort in derision.” She glanced back at the door. “Today I choose to snort.”

That made Mitch smile.

“Let’s go to Fifties.”

“Don’t you have to go back to work?”

She shook her head. “The joy of being the boss—I get to take a personal day when I want. Plus, it’s good for Marnie to run the place now and again. I won’t be around forever.”

His brow knit. “You’re still young.”

“Well, Marnie’s younger. Hopefully by the time I’m ready to retire, she’ll be ready to take over. Of course that means she’ll have to get over her innate shyness. Something to strive for.”

“Does she want to get over it? Some people aren’t geared toward others. Like introverts and extroverts.”

Loriana laughed. “Well, I’m an extrovert. She’s an introvert.” Her brown eyes sparkled. “What are you?”

“You can’t guess?” Now his dark-brown eyes sparkled.

It warmed her heart. “Introvert who pushes himself when working with the public.”

“Much like your Marnie. I’ll do it—but I’m thrilled when I get to go home at the end of the day and relax with a good book.”

She squinted. “Are you saying that just to make a good impression?”

“Is it working?”


“Well then, sure. Although there are a few shows I like to watch.” He glanced at the door, then back down at her. “Police procedurals are my favorite. I loveEndeavour.”

“Ah, the Brits. I’m a fan of the good old Americans.Law and Orderas well as the oldCSIseries.”

Mitch winced. “Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of American police. I mean, I respect them and I’m sure most of them are great people…”

She tapped his thigh. “I get it. Now, Fifties?”

“Sure.” He leaned forward until their faces were centimeters apart. “You shouldn’t have come home, and you shouldn’t have defended me so vigorously. You barely know me.”

“You think that I think because we had sex that we have a special bond. It’s not like that.”

“Maybe it’s like that for me.”

Really? Wow.