“Perfect, sweetie, good timing. This nice lady is new. Could you give her a tour?”

Vance was also short, although very slender. He looked like a stiff breeze might knock him over, and his light-brown hair held definite strands of gray. Easily fifteen years older than the young and vibrant Patsy. He held out his hand to indicate the way.

Loriana followed him into the large home. After toeing off her boots, she trailed the older man up a short flight of stairs in the split-level home.

He pointed to an open door. “You can put your coat in there, and there’s a bathroom just beyond where you can get changed. Just holler when you’re ready.”


Her pale-lavender flannel pajama set featured little white snowflakes. Very modest. Removing her coat took mere moments. Moments she used to center herself. She hadn’t brought a purse, opting only for her license and twenty bucks tucked into an inside pocket. She added her keys to the little stash and then laid the coat on the bed with the others. About fifteen, if her quick count was accurate. She snuck into the bathroom and quickly changed into her pj’s. Then she returned to the bedroom, where she tucked her cloth bag under her coat.

She exited the room to find her host waiting for her.

Beset by nerves, she shadowed him back down the stairs to the main living area, where Patsy enthusiastically greeted an older couple. Okay, so at least she wasn’t going to be the oldest one here. She was still in the early half of her life—she hoped—but more often these days, she was finding herself the oldest in the room. Except when Miss Edna was around, of course.

Vance took a sharp left, leading to another set of stairs. Those ended in a family room with a big-screen television and numerous reclining chairs. Another sharp turn down another set of stairs and finally they arrived at their destination. The floor was littered with mattresses covered in flannel sheets, with blankets strewn about. Around the perimeter of the room were a huge number of folding chairs, stuffed couches, and bean-bag chairs. Almost every seat was full. Ah, nearly twenty people. She’d seen that many RSVP for events in the group, but rarely did everyone turn up. Maybe they did for this event.

Vance pointed to one of the empty chairs.

Loriana was about to take him up on his offer, but she spotted a familiar face next to another empty seat. “Do you mind if I sit there?”

He squinted, then nodded. “You can sit wherever you like.” He patted her arm. “We just want you to have fun tonight.”

Something told her things were, at the very least, about to get more interesting.

She edged her way around the mattresses, nearly trampling on several toes, before finally making it to the far side of the room and the empty chair. “May I?”

Mitch nodded.

Sitting was easy enough. Figuring out what to do with her hands was a whole other thing. She had a habit of twisting her fingers in her hair when she was nervous. Thankfully, in her dull and staid life, that didn’t happen often or she might have bald patches. “Uh, funny seeing you here.” Yet funny wasn’t quite the right word. She had a sneaking suspicion their running into each other wasn’t a coincidence.

“Lovely to see you again, Loriana.”

His voice was soft and smooth and did all kinds of nice things to her insides. “I don’t remember seeing you on the RSVP list.” She hadn’t memorized the guest list, but the look on his face confirmed his name hadn’t been there when she’d added hers.

“I’ve always been curious, and I’ll admit, when I overheard you speaking to Marnie, my interest was piqued. I decided to check out tonight. I’d hoped to do it unobtrusively, but that doesn’t seem like an option.”

“Participation is voluntary.” She wracked her brain for the exact wording. “You don’t have to cuddle if you don’t want to.”

“I’m not sure they want voyeurs.”

She tilted her head. “I hadn’t thought of that. No, I guess not. But surely if you’re a first-timer then you can sit back and observe.” She’d read that, right? At least she was pretty sure she had. “And if you’re uncomfortable, you can always leave. Nothing says you have to stay.”

He gave her an inscrutable look. “I plan to stay.”

Well, all right then.

The door at the top of the stairs closed and Patsy came down with a huge grin on her face. “I think this is the best turnout we’ve ever had, and I see several unfamiliar faces tonight. All very exciting.” She made her way to the center of the room. “Those who want to may come and join me while we go over ground rules.”

Most of the participants eagerly clambered off their chairs and sat in a circle with Patsy at the perceived head.

Might as well go all in.

She turned to Mitch. “Join me?”

“Glad to.”

In a rather undignified manner, they crawled across several mattresses to join the circle. Several people held hands while others sat still.