Yet even as she said the words, Seth squeezed Marnie’s hand once more, and she let go of his sleeve. Funny that she’d been holding it this whole time. So unlike her. She who cowered from any and all physical contact.
Seth sought out Loriana. He gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement before turning and exiting the library.
“Well, that answers one question.” Loriana rose and headed to Marnie.
Mitch followed, although more slowly.
Clearly he was giving the women space to talk if they needed it.
“Everything okay?”Aim for casual.
Slowly, Marnie nodded. “You know Seth, just protecting the citizens of Mission City.”
Protecting one in particular.Because Loriana wasn’t convinced Mitch would’ve pinged Seth’s radar if Marnie hadn’t been here. Or maybe he would’ve. Loriana hadn’t noticed, but maybe the officer was suspicious of all newcomers. Certainly didn’t make their town feel welcoming.
“Being protective is good.” Mitch’s contribution.
Marnie’s gaze shot to his. “It’s not because—”
“I know.” His voice was low and soothing. “I get it.”
She twisted her lips in a way that told Loriana she wasn’t convinced.
“Are you still up for Fifties?”
The indecision was writ large across Marnie’s face.
Loriana could will the younger woman to accept, but she couldn’t force her. The decision had to come from Marnie.
“We’d love for you to join us.” Mitch offering quiet support. “It is a celebration, after all.”
A look passed between the two that Loriana struggled to interpret. She disliked being in the dark—clearly something was going on—and, just as clearly, she wasn’t part of it.
“Let me grab my coat.” Marnie turned to her. “You’ll need yours as well. Are we taking separate cars?”
That idea made sense.
“I didn’t drive.” Mitch winced. “I should have, but it’s so close and…”
Marnie, of all people, rescued him. “I’m sure you can catch a ride with one of us.” The look she gave Loriana couldn’t be misinterpreted.Please take him.
“Mitch has been in my lovely sedan. It’s a tight fit, but he manages.”
The relief on Marnie’s face would’ve been comical if Loriana wasn’t concerned. Marnie’d agreed to this, and she was completely uncomfortable with the idea.
Am I pushing too hard?
She’s able to say no.
Loriana held fast to that truth—Marnie’d saidnoplenty of times over the past four years. She pivoted to Mitch and placed a hand on his arm. “We’ll grab our stuff and meet you at the door.”
“Great. I’m going to step outside—this coat is heavy, and I’m overheating.”
She almost made an inappropriate comment about a strip show, but caught herself at the last moment. “Sounds perfect. We won’t be long.”
With that, Mitch took off toward the front door while she and her co-worker headed for the back room. Carly waved at them as they passed the circulation desk and headed out of sight.
As they were putting on their coats, Loriana caught Marnie’s gaze. “Are you really okay with this? I feel like I might’ve pushed.”