“Oh, I’m going to grab another coffee.” Justin leapt from the table. “Kennedy? Another tea?”
“Sounds lovely.” She glanced around. “Where’s Tiffany?”
Rainbow snickered. “Drying out by the fireplace. She bounded out to greet our guest and came back soaked.”
Kennedy stepped toward the sliding glass door. “Wow, it’s really coming down. Justin, were you able to reach the Dhaliwals?”
“No, although I can’t imagine they’d try in this weather.”
“Yes. On that note, I think you should head out. Bad enough we’re keeping Mr. Alexander here.”
“It’s Mitch.”
She met his gaze. “Then it’s Kennedy, Rainbow, and Justin. We don’t stand on ceremony around here.”
“Unless she’s trying to impress someone,” Justin quipped.
Kennedy glared.
“Well, if I had a PhD and could call myself doctor, I’d trot it out once in a while to make an impression.”
“And I’ll pay for you to go back to school, Justin.”
The man with the green eyes broke away from gazing at the woman who was clearly the boss around here. With some determination, he looked back. “I’ve applied to the program at Simon Fraser University for the fall semester.”
Rainbow squealed and shook her hands. She threw herself into Justin’s arms.
Huh. Looked like welcome news.
Kennedy’s smile was broad.
“Hey, enough.” Even as he said the words, though, Justin wasn’t trying to escape Rainbow’s enthusiastic embrace. “I haven’t been accepted yet.”
“Well, I better get to writing that letter of recommendation.” Kennedy tapped the computer. “As soon as I have a working machine.” She held Justin’s gaze for a long moment.
“Stan and I have the money to pay for the program. Your offer is generous, but we’re all good. I’ve applied to take the program part-time. I’ll need to cut back my hours here, but not quit entirely.”
“Take a sabbatical,” Kennedy corrected. “You’re never allowed to leave.”
“I’m okay with that.”
Finally, Rainbow pulled back.
Only to be replaced by Kennedy who pulled Justin in for a hug.
Friendly place.
Apparently Tiffany, not wanting to miss out, had heard the noise and made her way over to see what all the fuss was about.
Justin obligingly petted her.
She preened. If that was even the right word.
Mitch finished inhaling his food and offered a smile to Rainbow. “That was delicious. Thank you so much. Now, where might we find the computer?” He wiped his hand on the cloth napkin.
“My office.” Kennedy indicated an area through the kitchen.
Mitch spied several doors. He rose and, with Justin, grabbed all the equipment.