After placing his bundles on the kitchen table, Justin removed his boots.
Mitch laid his supplies down and then removed his as well.
“Your coat too.” Rainbow gestured in the general vicinity of his coat.
Since the ranch was a nice warm temperature, he followed her instructions.
The woman had the palest-blue eyes he ever remembered seeing.
She also offered a wide and welcoming smile. “We’re so glad you’re here.”
“Well, lead the way.” He started to pick up the boxed computer.
“No way.” She laid her hand upon his. “Food and coffee first. Work stuff later.”
The smell of eggs and bacon wafted in the air along with the distinct scent of coffee.
His stomach rumbled.
Rainbow laughed. She pointed to the chairs and, to Mitch’s relief, Justin sat as well.
“I’ve already eaten.” He eyed the snow. “I was scheduled to see several clients today, but I was able to reach all but one to cancel. The family doesn’t have reliable cell service and I didn’t want them making the trek and not finding me here.”
“He’s a good man.” Rainbow poked her head around the corner. “And we could’ve explained it to them.”
“Sure. Except when Kennedy discovered the computer had broken, she panicked.”
“I didn’t panic.”
Mitch pivoted to find a woman heading down the stairs. His breath caught. Stunning. No other word for it.
With long, brown hair and deep-brown eyes, her stature was regal as she descended the stairs. When she made her way to the table, she extended her hand. “Kennedy Dixon.”
He made to rise, but she waved him back down. He took her hand. Firm handshake, to be sure.
“Thank you for coming.”
Indicating the computer equipment, he then offered a smile. “It’s what I do. I’m just glad Justin remembered me.”
“Not likely to forget.”
Mitch’s gaze shot to Justin.
The young man’s eyes widened. “You were hanging with Loriana and Marnie. Angus has a serious crush on both librarians—but Marnie in particular. He talked nonstop all the way home about their new friend. He wondered if you worked at the library—because you pulled the wagon. I said you worked in computers, and no offense, his interest died. He’s into books.” He glanced at Kennedy with a fond smile. “Lots and lots of books.”
Overreact much?
“Well, no offense taken on the computers. If everyone loved them as much as me, then I wouldn’t have a job.”
Rainbow placed a plate before him with two English muffins stuffed full of egg and bacon. She also set down a steaming mug of coffee. “Everything’s hot. Would you like cream and sugar? Ketchup?”
“Ma’am, ketchup would be sacrilege. A bit of milk would be appreciated.”
She offered him a wide smile. “I think I like you.” She disappeared into the kitchen and returned a moment later with the milk.
Mitch poured a small amount into his coffee and eyed his food.
No one else was eating.