Mitch shook Ravi’s hand.

“And these are their twins, Violet and Victor. Happy participants in our Toddler and Books program.” Well, barely. The kids were the youngest attendees, but Maddox loved bringing them in. And most of the time the twins behaved. Most of the time.

Mitch crouched down to eye level with the twins.

Victor slept, but Violet’s eyes were wide. She reached out her mitted hand.

After removing his glove, he held out a finger to the toddler.

She snagged it and yanked it toward her mouth.

He pulled back just in the nick of time.

Ravi laughed. “Sorry about that.”

Mitch’s look lingered on the little one just a moment longer before he straightened. “She’s amazing. They both are. They look so much like you.”

With their dark hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin, they really did.

Again, Ravi laughed. “They do. My sister Namita was the surrogate and Maddox is the father.”

“We’re both the fathers.” Maddox. A little growly.

Ravi snickered. “Well, your genes weren’t that strong. Nary a ginger to be found.”

Maddox’s red hair shone in the light and little flecks of gold appeared in his red beard.

Justin, also a ginger, stuck out his hand. “I’m Justin. This is my husband Stanley and our son Angus.”

That bypassed a lot of their complicated history. Stanley, Angus’s uncle, took custody after the boy’s parents both died. Justin, who’d been counseling the bereaved child, had bonded with Stanley over caring for the young boy, and they’d fallen in love.

“Where’s Opal?” The men were fostering a young three-year-old girl.

Stanley frowned. “She’s got a cold. I wanted to stay home but…” His gaze briefly settled on Angus. “Rainbow Dixon offered to babysit tonight. We left the two with Liba. Our dog adores Rainbow almost as much as she adores Opal.”

“Well, I hope she’s feeling better. Kind of Rainbow to help out.”

Justin smiled. “She wouldn’t have come to the parade anyway.”

“Fair enough.” Loriana gazed down at Angus. “I’m glad you got a wand.”

He held it up with an ear-to-ear grin.

“Would you like to take ones for Victor and Violet? You can keep them safe until they’re older and can have them.” The young boy had a fondness for the twins. “Oh, and take one home for Opal as well. They’re safe for younger children.”

Mitch collected three and handed them to a beaming Angus. “Thanks, Loriana.” He nodded to Mitch and Marnie. “Thank you so much.”

Stanley ruffled his son’s hair. “We should be going. I want to see how Opal’s doing.”

Ever the doting caregiver. All four men were amazing fathers. She was so happy for them.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to give her the wand.” Angus beamed. He made a good older brother to the foster child. Whether she’d remain with the family was an open question.

“Hey.” Another man stepped into their circle. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Loriana punched Rusty lightly on the shoulder. “Of course not.” She immediately bent to see Mira.

The toddler, squirming in her stroller, reached out to grab Loriana’s hair.