Make that,cowered.

Her face was drained of all color, and her gaze darted around continuously.

Uh-oh. She seemed terrified. She really did. The woman seemed perpetually on edge, and although he was dying of curiosity, he’d never flat-out ask her. Querying Loriana later was a distinct possibility. He didn’t want to trigger the younger woman. Or do something that might upset her.

“You’re here.” Loriana snagged his arm and dragged him over to the wagon which overflowed with wands. “Marnie and I will hand them out while you pull the wagon.”

“We will?” Marnie’s voice caught.

Loriana glanced meaningfully down at her.

Mitch didn’t miss the blunt message.

“I’m here to do whatever you ladies need.” He was prepared to say more, but a young woman used a whistle to get everyone’s attention.

Hello, every horrible gym teacher everywhere—the nineties are calling and they want their torture instrument back.He’d loathed gym class. Likely because he’d been the least coordinated ofeveryonein the class. His growth spurts always happened at the worst times, and he had few good memories of physical activities. These days, he opted to run and swim. Felt safer to do solo activities.

Loriana placed a hand on his arm. “We just walk along at a pace that hopefully matches the float in front of us. Santa’s not far behind, so we might have a bunch of distracted kids on our hands.”

“Well, you’ll have them. I’m just pulling the wagon.”

She glanced over at her co-worker. “Yes, pulling the wagon.”

Marnie glared—almost bordering on insubordination.

Yet from what he knew of Loriana, she’d never force the younger woman to do anything. Likely cajole until she caved, but not order.


Maybe Loriana knew something he didn’t. Maybe this was none of his business.

They took their appointed spot on the route.

Loriana leaned over.

She was going to whisper last-minute instructions into his ear, right?

No. She pressed a quick peck to his cheek.

Whoa. No time to respond. To reciprocate. To do anything but stare dumbly.

And then they were off.

Chapter seven

AsLorianahandedoutthe first wands, her cheeks heated.

It’s windburn. Because it’s so cold.


Did youhavetokiss him?

Have towas such a strong phrase. Sure, she could’ve shook his hand. This, however, conveyed her genuine gratitude.

And probably about a dozen other things—some intended and some not so.

Hands empty, she hustled back to the wagon and snagged more wands.