“I’ll work at trying to persuade her.” She threw her waste away, cringing. She hated creating garbage. “You never know, she might join us.”
“But you’re not optimistic.” He also tossed his wrapper. “I didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable. I, uh…” He cleared his throat. “Is it me?”
She shook her head vehemently as they exited back onto First Avenue. “Unfortunately, she’s like that with strangers.” And even people she knew, but revealing that’d be a step too far.
As Mitch put on his gloves, he gave her an odd look. “I know who I am.”
“You…”Oh.“I honestly don’t think she sees you in those terms—be it skin color or height. Gender? Yes, probably.”
They crossed the street. She caught a glimpse of his expression. Resigned? Not upset, fortunately.
Marnie’d started as a volunteer.
Loriana had thought long and hard before offering her a paid position. The younger woman might be skittish, but she’d never once not done her job. Loriana could put nothing on paper that’d fault Marnie’s work performance. Not that she was looking for a reason to criticize. Just sometimes she wished she could address the issues directly rather than letting Marnie keep those high walls up.
Just before they got to the library, she halted.
Mitch did as well.
“Marnie is an exceptional woman. She’s amazing with patrons, the kids adore her, and she tries really hard. I don’t know what happened to her and, obviously, I wouldn’t tell you if I did know, but she’s come a long way. I’m hopeful she’ll continue to grow as an employee and as a person.” She winced. “I’ve said too much.”
His smile lit his eyes. “I can see how much you care about her. I’ll never do anything to make her feel uncomfortable if I can avoid it.”
She believed him. Pressing her hand to his arm, she smiled. “Thank you for understanding. Not everyone does.”
“They’re fools.”
So much said in such a simple statement. Loriana was appreciative of his understanding.
Mitch pointed to his van. “I’m going to grab the next computer and get started.”
She nodded. “If you finish today, that’ll be lovely. If not until Monday, that’s okay too.” She preferred Monday because that meant more time to spend with this intriguing man. She entered the library and was rounding the circulation desk when Marnie poked her head out of the back room.
“Have a pleasant lunch?”
“I did, thank you. Why don’t you head out?”
Marnie nodded but didn’t move.
“Is there something else?”
The younger woman glanced around before indicating Loriana follow her into the back room. From this vantage point, Marnie would’ve spotted Loriana and Mitch when they’d had their final chat.
“He seems like a nice man.” Marnie’s words were soft.
“He’s a very nice man.” Where was she going with this?
“And you said we would all go out Monday night?”
“Yes, Mitch invited both of us. I’d love it if you would join us. To celebrate the new computers.”
Marnie’s brow furrowed. “Did he tell you why he’s inviting me?”
Huh?“He invited you because it’s a project the three of us have been working on. That’s all.”
The young woman’s expression lightened.