“Well, if you say so.”

Clearly, he didn’t believe her.

“Todd’s gone. He’s just gone. He’s never coming back, and I’m never going to see him again.”

“Does that make you sad?” Again, no judgment. Just curiosity.

“It used to. Especially around the anniversaries—birthdays, engagement, or his disappearance. Now it’s just an ache deep in my chest. And when I heard that woman was missing…”

He tensed.

“I knew. I knew what her family was going through. I’d never wish that on anyone. Then when Colton came and said she was dead.” She shook her head viciously. “Part of me was really angry.”

His movement on her arm stilled.

“Oh, I knew you didn’t have anything to do with it. But a small part of me—a part I’m not proud of—envied her family. At least they had answers. Yes, that she died was horrific—and they’d have to learn to live with that pain—but at least they knew. In that moment, I think I acknowledged I’d never know. Whatever happened to Todd will forever be a mystery. And, I also think—in that moment—I accepted that fact.”

His rhythmic stroking started up again. “I’m sorry you went through that.”

“Shit happens, right? Most of my crappy stuff was over by my early twenties. I graduated with my MLS, and I moved back to Mission City. I bought this place, started my great job, and have built a life for myself.” She sighed. “No regrets.”

“Except that Irishman.”

She snapped her head to face him and scowled.

He grinned impishly. “I saw the way you looked at him. Like you wanted to devour him.”

After poking his ribs, she stuck her nose in the air. “I’ll have you know I don’t regret Declan. We had a great time while together, but neither of us wanted something more serious. We parted as friends.”

“So, no great love affair.”

She shook her head.

He appeared vaguely relieved. “Do you think…might I persuade you…?”

She cocked her head.

“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

“Oh, hell yes.”

“Fair enough. I love you. From the moment I met you, I saw you were special. And each moment I spend in your company, I fall a little deeper in love. But you might not feel that way. Or you might need time—”

“I don’t.”

“Or you might not.” He grinned. “So you’ll consider it?”

“Consider what?” She was confused.

“Making a life with me.”


“Yeah, oh.”

“You’re talking marriage.”

His grin was soft. “Yeah, I’d like that to be on the table. But we can wait. There’s no rush.”