That look Marnie could only call coquettish.

“Head Librarian and Marnie’s boss. Since it’s time for my employee’s lunch break, why don’t you two head out?”

Subtle as a freight train.Marnie gritted her teeth and sighed quietly. Her boss had the best of intentions. Still, she had to try. “I brought my lunch.”

“It’ll keep until tomorrow.”

Not helpful. That didn’t surprise. Hurt? Maybe. Surprise? No.

“I’d appreciate the opportunity to talk to Marnie.” He gave Loriana an indecipherable look.

Something in his eyes, though, had Marnie’s breath catching in her throat. “I’ll grab my purse.” She moved before he gave Loriana more grist for the gossip mill. Stepping into the back room, she snagged her bag and returned as quickly as possible.

“I’m from Toronto. I’m not sure how long I’ll be in town. It’ll all depend on how things work out.”

Jake’s gaze never wavered from Loriana, but Marnie knew he noticed her return and since he referred directly to her, she schooled her features. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Take your time. I can handle things for an hour.”

Although she planned to send him packing in mere moments, she suspected he’d not be easily dissuaded from his mission.Damn.“Thanks, Loriana.”

Perhaps a little too sarcastic.

She headed for the door, leaving Jake to catch up. The glass doors swished open and she strode into the bright sunshine.

Stupid. She halted, closing her eyes even as she rifled through her purse for her sunglasses.

Jake collided with her.

She leapt away. “Don't touch me.” She rounded on him. “Don't ever touch me.”

He held up his hands. “I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry. You stopped short, and momentum kept me moving forward. It won’t happen again.”

“I'm s-sorry.” Her overreaction was irrational. Sheknewit was. Yet she couldn’t stop it.

“Don't be.” Then, as if nothing had happened, he smiled at her. “Where would you like to go for lunch?”

She took a shaky breath. Then she inhaled again, consciously lowering her shoulders and relaxing her fingers. If he noticed she was still flustered, he kept that observation to himself. “There’s a Subway.”

“Sounds great.” He pulled his own sunglasses from his pocket, donned them, then fell into step next to her.

The temperature, a stark contrast to the air-conditioned library, broiled.

She sweated in her jeans and blouse. Her deodorant better do its job. Her hair was up, but that didn’t stop moisture from trickling down her neck and back. Subway was nearby and they could get out of the heat quickly. And she could get back to her sanctuary at the library as soon as possible.

She let him hold the door for her at the restaurant. A blast of cool air hit her face.Damn.Either freezing cold or broiling hot with nothing in between. She thrust her sunglasses to the top of her head and pretended to look over the menu, although she already knew what she wanted. He kept a decorous distance behind her, which both touched and confused her. If only her wariness of him was just because she didn’t know him. That wasn’t the whole truth. Her reality was that contact with anyone terrified her—but especially men.

He didn’t offer to pay, and they settled at one of the tables.

As he leaned forward to take a bite of his sandwich, she looked at him. Really looked at him. Yesterday he’d worn a crisp white shirt and khaki pants. Today’s outfit was a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and scuffed cowboy boots. He hadn't shaved, and his eyes were bloodshot. She wanted to say something, but what’d be appropriate? Instead, she took a tentative bite of her sub. It might’ve tasted like ambrosia, or it might’ve tasted like cardboard, for all she knew.

The tension was unbearable and finally, when the silence became oppressive, she broke it. “How's Olivia?”

Jake put the sandwich back on the table. “Not great. They shot her full of drugs to counteract the narcotics, and she's out of it right now.” He closed his eyes and rubbed his face. “We came so close to losing her. If you hadn't agreed to go to dinner…”

“But I did.” She rushed to assure him, looking for the right words to comfort him. “So we move forward from here.” The words rang hollow. Who knew how much damage had been wrought? Who knew what Olivia’s current state of mind was? How could she comfort him with words she couldn't put faith behind?

She wanted to touch him, to console him, but she restrained herself. Her lack of ability made comforting someone beyond her scope. Loriana did it from time to time when someone came by needing a shoulder to cry on, but to date, no one had ever made that request of Marnie.