She rose from where she sat on the bed and paced. “I did, but something tells me I’ve not seen the end of Jake McGrath.”

“If he approaches you, disturbs you, or anything else, you need only contact me.”

Her heart melted, just a bit. “You're a good man, Constable Seth Jacobs.”

“Only as good as the people I serve.” His voice contained humor.

She could easily picture him grinning because his genial nature was always on display.

“You’ll call if you need me?”

“I'll call. I promise.” She didn't add that he was her lifeline. He was the only person in Mission City who knew her story—at least the part they’d slashed across the media.

“Good night, Marnie.”

“Good night, Seth.”

She ended the call and inhaled deeply. The room temperature was pleasant as the air conditioner fought against the heat from the outside, but a chill invaded her bones. Getting into bed, she pulled the comforter up to her chin and tried to relax into sleep.

It was a long time coming.

Chapter four

“Cuteguy,fictiondepartment.”A pause. “The romance section, no less.”

“Loriana.” Marnie admonished, but her boss was undeterred.

“A little too young for me, but definitely the right age for you.” The late-thirties woman wore her light-auburn hair in long soft curls. The lines around her eyes gave her an air of authority and experience. Her soft-brown eyes scrutinized her employee.

“Loriana.” God, this was so embarrassing. “Please stop.” This wasn’t the first time the librarian had suggested her younger co-worker take a closer look at a patron, and probably wouldn’t be the last. Her boss might be discreet, but she was an incurable romantic with a penchant for matchmaking. That she was newly married herself only increased her tendency to nudge Marnie toward any unattached male between the ages of twenty and forty-five who stepped into the library. And Marnie didn’t want to remember when Loriana’d invited her to a Christmas Eve party, complete with numerous eligible men from town. The unmitigated disaster still haunted Marnie’s nightmares. Her boss’d taken a break from scheming, but apparently the hiatus was over.

Marnie didn’t have to look toward the stacks to know who was there. Mission City was small enough that newcomers were easily spotted. Her jaw clenched. Jake McGrath here, in her space. She believed she’d sent him on his way permanently the previous day, but apparently, he was a glutton for punishment. She couldn’t contemplate what he asked. Despite wanting to, she couldn’t help him.

“He’s come to see me.” She reached up to tighten her ponytail, wincing as she pulled it a bit too tight. “It’s a long story, but we met last night and ate dinner at Fifties.” No point in trying to hide that little tidbit, since people probably had spotted them. Even more likely, Loriana’d hear about it before long.

Her boss turned to gape at her. “And when were you going to tell me about this date?”

“Not a date.” Marnie clasped her hands together, and then laid them on the circulation desk to steady them. “It was just two people meeting to have dinner together. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d get the wrong idea, and you’ve proven me right.”Please, please, accept this explanation. Please don’t ask any more questions.

Loriana’s eyebrow arched, skepticism apparent. “So what are you going to do about his appearance here? Are you going to hide in the back room and have me send him away, or are you going to go and actually talk to him?”

Option A, please. No, she wasn’t a coward. Deep breath. Like Fifties last night, this was her space—somewhere she felt safe. If there was to be a confrontation—a discussion—here was as good a place as any.

“I’ll talk to him,” She tried to keep the trepidation from her voice. Shoulders back and head held deliberately high, she watched him walk directly to the circulation desk.

He strode over with confidence, but not arrogance, a smile on his face.

His beautiful, haggard face.

“Marnie.” His voice was soft and slow. “It’s nice to see you again.”

Okay,thatwas how it was going to be.

Before she could respond, he turned to Loriana and offered her a flash of that charming grin. But he bore a haunted expression in those killer-blue eyes.

He held out his hand. “Jake McGrath.”

Loriana shook his hand. “Loriana Harper.” She patted her hair and smiled.