“Less and less. When Olivia was recovered, I asked for a local beat. There wasn’t one available, but I've only done seven shorter overseas trips. Look, I’m aware it looks bad that I live at Jessica's, but she hates leaving the place empty for months at a time. Olivia's my niece, and I want what’s best for her. Tell me what to do.”
Her heart broke for him. He was in a desperate position. He desired what was best for his niece.Can’t argue with that.
“After you've spent time with Olivia tomorrow, we need to talk. In person.”
“So, I'll say good night.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and was about to hit the button to end the call when he spoke.
“Yes, Jake.”
“Thank you. For everything.”
“You're welcome.” She disconnected the call and gripped the phone in her hand, resting it against her forehead. Although there had to be a solution to this, she couldn't fathom it.
Marnie pulled herself from her spiraling negative thoughts. Time to keep her promise to watch a movie with Olivia and Matilda.
Chapter twenty-nine
JakepickedOliviaupat the Derks mansion, and they headed out to spend some time together. As they hit the downtown core, his disquiet increased.
Olivia’d been quiet since she got into the SUV.
“How’s it going?”
He waited patiently, but no elucidation was forthcoming. “How are things at Marnie’s dad’s place?”
Olivia seemed to ponder the question. “I like Matilda. Despite being old, she’s kinda cool, but Mr. Derks can be scary. He’s yelled at Marnie a few times.”
Jake’s gut twisted. His actions caused the strife between father and daughter. If she hadn’t been forced to take refuge there, none of this would be happening. He couldn’t go back and change the past. As he promised Marnie, he was trying to excise the wordshouldfrom his vocabulary.
“How’s Marnie?”Keep it casual.
Olivia gave him an odd look. “It’s weird because they call her Laura.”
“Okay, fair enough.” He waited.
“I guess I’m asking how she is.”
“Well, she’s still mad at you.”
If looks could kill...
“You hurt her. No wonder she’s pissed.”
He suppressed a grin. Pissed? He doubted very much that language came from Marnie.
“What can I do?”
“That I can’t answer. Did you try apologizing?” She frowned at him.
From the mouth of babes. “I did apologize. I tried to plead my case.”