Marnie burst out laughing. The camaraderie that had developed between the two of them was in plain sight. Had it only been two days? Today’d certainly been a day of bonding.
Jake handed Marnie her own set of photographs.
His grin was quick and easy. “I have a photograph printer.”
Wow, look at the quality. The photos were like those that came from the photo lab. “Well, thank you. This means a lot to me.”
“Me, too.” His voice was soft and sure.
She met his gaze, and something flared within her.
His blue eyes were bright and held warmth.
Did he sense this thing passing between them? Not simply a shared concern for Olivia anymore, but something far more intimate.
And just like that, the moment passed.
“Movie?” His voice hitched, and he cleared his throat.
“Sounds good. I found a popcorn maker. Is it okay if I make a batch?”
He eyed the machine warily. “I usually use the microwave. Thatthingis Jessica's contraption, and I’ve only ever caused chaos with it.”
“How about I give you a lesson?”
Fifteen minutes later, the trio settled onto the couch, it being Jake’s turn to select a film. Olivia again sat in the middle, and they each had their own bowl of popcorn.
Huh, he chose a romantic comedy. She dug into her popcorn and enjoyed the movie.
Chapter twenty-five
Thetwowomensatsilently, clasping each other’s hand, while the other patrons around them departed. One sniffled.
“That was wonderful.”
“Yeah, wonderful.” Actually, it’d been amazing. Although Marnie’d never seen a musical, she’d heard this one was one of the best. She missed so much by holing herself up in her house—only venturing out for work. She needed to do more of this. And she had Olivia to thank for opening her eyes and her world. “I'm glad you suggested this.”
“I wanted to prolong this.”
Olivia met her gaze. “I know this isn't real life. Jessica’ll come back, Jake’ll go away for work, and I'll go home to my mother's.” She swept her arm in a wide arc. “This isn't real life, but for just one day more, I wanted this to be my life.”
Marnie squeezed her new friend's hand. “It's okay to want to prolong this sojourn. The most important thing is you see it as such. I’m here to help you find an alternative path. Maybe tonight, after dinner, we can sit down with your uncle and see what options are open to you.”
“I want to finish high school.” Olivia’s voice trembled.
“That's a laudable and achievable goal.” Marnie caught movement out of the corner of her eye.
The ushers were making their way along the rows, scooping up the few discarded programs.
She pulled hers a little closer. She’d never give it up. The tangible memento would help her hold on to this memory when she went back home. When she returned to her life. The life she put on hold. Olivia was right, this wasn’t real life.
She stood, drawing a deep breath. “Ready to go back to the sauna?”
Laughing, Olivia also came to her feet. “Yes, another steam bath will be fun.”