“Did my niece wear you out?”

“A mutual admiration society.” She was both elated and exhausted, knowing they accomplished a great deal. “She shopped like a pro.”

“If those bags were any indication…” He stopped at her fit of giggling. “What's so funny?”

She covered her mouth with her hand as the laughter overtook her. “It's about a tenth of what we bought. The rest is being delivered tomorrow.” She giggled again when his eyes bugged out of his face like a cartoon character.

“Where's Olivia?”

“Trying on her new clothes. She said she’s going to model them for me.”

“Let her.” She checked over his shoulder toward the bedroom before speaking quietly. “She owns nothing. She had a bra, a pair of underwear, and her sneakers. Plus, she deserves a few nice things. It sounds trite, but it's just money. She fretted over every cent but, eventually, she relented and let me spoil her. When we found something she liked that fit her, we bought in bulk.”

He was about to speak when the bedroom door opened.

Olivia burst into the room. She wore jeans, a tank top, and a blouse. Although the jeans and tank were simple black, her blouse was a burst of bright colors. Her entire face was lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

Without hesitation, Jake stepped toward his niece. “You look great.”

She preened under his praise. “Marnie has great taste.” She turned to her new friend. “How about I try on the dress?”

“I can't wait.” Marnie met Jake’s gaze as soon as Olivia left the room. “How about a slice of leftover pizza? I’m starving.”

“Of course. Greek still okay?”


“Marnie.” Olivia's disembodied voice trailed from the bedroom.

Rising, Marnie stretched sore muscles. “I guess she requires my presence.”

“Requested.” He furrowed his brow. “You don't have to go if you don't want to. You're hungry…”

She waved in acknowledgement, as she headed to the bedroom. She could eat in a few minutes. Olivia, however, probably needed help zipping up the dress.

When she entered the room, however, she did not find a teenager in need. Olivia was dressed in her favorite outfit, and she held up the dress she’d convinced Marnie to buy for herself.

“You have to put this on.” Olivia's eyes were alight as she presented the pale-blue, layered chiffon dress.

With the young woman holding the dress against her tall frame, it suddenly appeared short, and Marnie's first instinct was to refuse. The dress purchase had been whimsical, and more to please and appease Olivia than born of any desire to purchase an item she’d never wear. The dress wasn't suitable for work at the library, and she ventured nowhere else.

Olivia's enthusiasm, however, was contagious. The young woman wore a halter dress with a tight bodice and a light, flowing skirt. The tropical print was perfect for a hot Toronto summer’s day.

“Okay.” She eyed the dress skeptically, “I'll try it on.”

“And show it to Uncle Jake.”

You stepped into this one.“And show it to your Uncle Jake.” Inwardly, Marnie cringed. On the one hand, she didn't want to give him the wrong idea. On the other hand, the feminine part of her desired him to see her in something other than jeans and a shirt. She took the dress from Olivia's outstretched hands and headed to the bathroom. Once inside, she lost her nerve. The dress came with a shelf bra, therefore she had to remove her own. The reflection of her plain cotton underwear made her laugh, because the underwear definitely didn't fit with the style of the dress. The lingerie set Olivia convinced her to buy was far more appropriate, except the set wasn't here, and her practical cotton would have to do.

After removing her bra, she slipped the dress over her head. The top, with spaghetti straps, hugged her chest, while the layers fell softly to her knees.

I can do this. It’s just a dress.

She returned to the bedroom.

Olivia was ratcheting up her makeup with some darker colors they’d chosen, using the techniques the makeup artist taught them.

“You look great.”