“Milk, please.” She glanced over. “Black?”

“Of course.” Jake scoffed. “Coffee isn't coffee if you have to add something to it.”

“Well, I'm on Marnie’s side.” Olivia interjected, meeting Marnie’s gaze. “I add both milk and sugar. My preference, however, is a latté.”

Marnie tapped her mug against Olivia's. “You said it, girlfriend.” They exchanged a look of mutual pleasure, and she hopped up onto her stool as Jake presented her with a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon. Without further ado, she dug in. “This is delicious.”

He touched his hand to his heart. “Your surprise wounds me. We bachelors do have to learn to cook a few staples if we desire to survive.” He waved his hand toward the oven. “Baking, however, is a different story.”

Marnie giggled, a sense of relief washing over her. He was a bachelor. She hadn’t miscalculated the situation.

“Olivia said you ladies are going to get a manicure.”

He knew. He knew she and Olivia talked last night—and he was making her aware without prying.

“We are.” She sipped her coffee. “Believe it or not, neither of us has ever been pampered. Today, we indulge.”

Olivia hopped off her stool and handed her plate over to Jake. “I'm going to freshen up. Brush my teeth.”

She disappeared, and Jake turned to Marnie. “Is she strong enough for this?”

“She seems better today. I'm not a medical professional, but she seems to have recovered from her overdose. As for the rest of it…let me see how she is today. I'm planning a simple day—no stress, no heavy topics. Just two young women going out to shop.” She was in no way sure this was the correct approach with Olivia, but taking a chance on this seemed reasonable.

“That reminds me…” He extracted his wallet from his back pocket, “I don't have much cash—”

“Don't you insult me, Jake McGrath.”

His head snapped up at her tone.

“My bank account is full, and I have a reserve account.” She arched an eyebrow. “I can’t think of a better way to spend my father's money than on treating Olivia to a special day. Olivia is your kin, and you feel responsible for her, but let me treat her today.”

He replaced his wallet and held up his hands in a gesture of appeasement. “I told you I trust you, and I do. Girls’ day out.” He took her empty plate and mug from the counter in front of her. “If it's okay with you, I have some work to do.”

“Of course it's okay. You need to keep moving forward. Normalcy.” She emphasized it. “Don't put your life on hold.” When Olivia came into the room, she asked, “Can you call us a cab?”

“I can do you one better. I have to head uptown and Yorkville is on the way, if that's still where you're heading.”

Marnie exchanged a look with Olivia. “It is. Lead on, kind sir, we wait upon your pleasure.”

“In that case, your chariot awaits.” His gaze met Marnie’s. “Why don’t I give you the spare key?” A flash of unease passed across his face. “You’ll be back tonight, right?” Part question, part statement, part plea.

“If you'll have me.”

“Of course we will.” Olivia gave her wide puppy-dog eyes. “Come back.”

Jake stuck his hands in his pockets. “In fact, it seems kind of silly to hold on to your hotel room.”

Seeing the desperation in his eyes, Marnie sighed inwardly. Well, at least the couch was comfortable. “Sure, after our shopping trip I can go back to the hotel.”

“Why not do it now? I can stow your bag in my SUV. Checkout is at noon, right? No sense in paying for another night.”

He was pushing her, and she was tempted to push back. She’d given her word she’d return, and that ought to be enough. Still, she forced a smile.

“Sure, we can go to my hotel first. No sense in paying for another night.”

She swore Jake mouthed the words “thank you”.

Chapter twenty