“I’m going to get some water…I didn't want to wake you.” Olivia wore black from head to toe.
Marnie simply raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m thirsty as well.”
Olivia slunk into the kitchen. By the time she returned, Marnie was sitting up. She took the proffered glass and brushed her hair off her cheek.
“I'm sorry I woke you.” At least the girl had the decency to look contrite.
“I was awake, and you didn't answer my question.” She took a sip. “Were you going somewhere?”
“For a walk?”
Marnie again arched an eyebrow.
“Okay, I needed to get out of here.”
“And how were you going to pay for your brief escape?”
Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Olivia pulled a credit card from her pocket and handed it to Marnie. “Jessica Stone? You were stealing Jake's girlfriend's credit card?”
Olivia's brows snapped. “Jessica's not his girlfriend. They work together.” She waved her hand around. “This is her condo, and she lets Jake stay here when she's out of country.”
“Is that why he’s slept on the mattress in the den before?”
“That's what he told me when I visited. They're just friends.” She seemed oblivious to Marnie’s tension.
Marnie chastised herself for the relief that crashed through her. Just because Jake and Jessica worked together, didn't mean he didn't have a girlfriend stashed somewhere else.
“You were stealing her credit card?”
“Borrowing.” Olivia crossed her arms. “I was borrowing it.”
Calling Olivia on her lie at this moment would be pointless. The girl knew she’d been busted.
“What happens now?”
Olivia's query exactly matched Marnie's dilemma. At two in the morning, it didn't look like either of them was going back to sleep anytime soon.
“You drink tea?”
The teenager snickered. “Where I come from, we don't drink tea.”
Marnie pushed herself on the couch and padded barefoot into the kitchen. “You're missing out. There’s a tea for every mood.” She opened a cupboard she noticed earlier. “Someone around here has good taste in tea.” Every flavor imaginable was lined up in a neat row of boxes. She filled the kettle and placed it on the gas stove.
“I'm going to have chamomile—known for its soothing properties. There are some other flavors here, but I recommend you stay away from the ones with caffeine.” Again, she tried to be nonchalant, as if this was no big deal. Meanwhile, her gut churned.What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make it worse?
“Chamomile is fine.” Olivia perched on one stool, glanced toward the floor, and back up. “What's with the phone book?”
“Your uncle's attempts to not let my height be an impediment.” Marnie grinned impishly. “I take it Jessica’s a giant as well?”
Olivia laughed out loud.
Nailed it.
“Jessica’s nearly as tall as I am. At least that's what Jake says.”
“You’ve never met her?”
The younger woman shook her head. “She's on some overseas assignment for a while. At least that's what Uncle Jake said. “