Both adults jolted as a young boy slapped his hand on the table.

Jake judged the boy to be about eight or nine. Possibly developmentally delayed?

“Marnie read now.”

Ah, so he hadn’t been wrong.

A harried-looking young woman stood behind the boy. She couldn’t have been more than twenty-two or three. She offered an apologetic smile. “Bobby was good in school today, so I promised a treat.”


Marnie smiled and placed her hand over the young boy’s. “I’m glad to hear you’re doing well in school. We miss you at the library.”

“We’ll visit soon, I promise.” The young woman pushed a hand through her disheveled dark-blonde hair.

“And how are you coping, Winona? The baby okay?”

Winona’s smile was strained. “She’s home with Mom. I needed a break.”

Bobby now tugged on his mother’s hand.

Jake didn’t see the young woman getting much of a break.

“Maybe bring little Dina to the library one day soon. Loriana and I would love to hold her.”

Winona flushed, holding tight to Bobby who continued to tug. “She might cry.”

“That’s what babies do. Loriana will take her into the back room, and maybe you can read or get on the computer.”

“I have an assignment due.” Brown eyes watered. “I didn’t think I’d get it done.”

Marnie continued to press her hand against Bobby’s. “Well, tomorrow is perfect then. We’ll see you?”

“Yeah.” Winona slowly nodded, as if needing a moment to absorb this offer. “I can do that. If you don’t mind watching Dina.”

“We never mind helping out. That’s our job. Loriana loves babies—you know that. She still tells me stories about when Bobby was a baby.”

Bobby stopped shifting. “I’m not a baby.” Defiant and accompanied by a pouting lower lip.

“We know that, sweetheart.” Marnie squeezed his hand. “Not anymore. But a long time ago you were the same size as Dina. But you’re big now, and you have to be gentle with her.”

His scowl lessened. “I hold her.” He finally met Marnie’s gaze directly. “I want a milkshake.”

Marnie tapped hers. “Chocolate is my favorite.”

Another pouty lip. “Strawberry.”

Winona pressed a hand to her son’s head. “Strawberry coming up.” She mouthedthank youto Marnie and, finally noticing Jake, gave him a quick once-over. Her eyes widened.

Crap.“My name’s Jake. I’m Marnie’s friend.” He cut a glance to her and she clearly made the realization.

“Y-yes, friend.”

“Well, nice to meet you, Jake.” Winona ran her hand through her hair one more time. “See you tomorrow, Marnie.”

Marnie relinquished Bobby’s hand as he pulled away, clearly more interested in his prospective milkshake.

Jake watched the retreating figures before turning back to Marnie.