Marnie held the reins a bit tighter. “How’s it going with you and Tristan?”Keep it casual.

“I like him. I like taking it slow.”

“That’ll reassure both me and your uncle.”

“I have a secret.”

Pulling her attention away from Jake and Rainbow, Marnie returned her focus to Olivia. “What kind of secret? Should I worry?”

“Tristan kissed me last night.”

What do I say?She was happy for Olivia and, considering their ages, it amazed her that the younger couple had gone on four dates only holding hands. But kissing had a tendency to lead to other activities. Was Olivia ready for more? What advice could Marnie possibly offer when she herself had merely made it as far as kissing? “Is it a secret because you don’t want me to tell your uncle?”

Olivia blushed. “I guess that’s unfair of me. You shouldn’t have to keep secrets from Uncle Jake.”

Marnie appreciated Olivia’s maturity. “You ought to be the one to tell your uncle.”

“So he can grill Tristan?”

“Give your uncle some credit. He might take the news better than you think.”

Rainbow and Jake laughed at something.

Marnie flashed back to Jake kissing her last night in her kitchen. Now he flirted with a gorgeous woman, and Marnie was getting whiplash. Disgusted with herself, she refocused on Fallon. She rubbed her hand on the horse’s neck and followed Olivia to the edge of the ring where they both dismounted.

Rainbow made her way over to the stables to help the women with the horses.

“Rainbow, do you mind taking Fallon? I need to speak to Kennedy.” Marnie nodded off toward the tack room.

“Sure.” With a grin, Rainbow took the mare’s reins, following Olivia into the stable.

Marnie tried to not be annoyed at Rainbow’s perpetually perky attitude. Not the woman's fault she had a sunny disposition. Most of the time it charmed. Today, however, it grated.Get over yourself.Giving herself a mental shake, she entered the tack room.

“You're ready for more?” Kennedy’s deep-brown eyes were alight.

What? Oh…

“Yes, we’re both ready. We do still want to keep riding.”

“Of course.” Kennedy put on her reading glasses and pulled out her phone. She scrolled. “How’s Thursday after work? I have a two-hour block and can see each of you for an hour. When it’s indicated, I can see both of you together.”

“Jake and me?” Marnie frowned.

“I meant you and Olivia, but we could do couples counseling with you and Jake.” Kennedy’s voice betrayed her amusement.

“Oh, we’re not a couple.”

“If you say so.”

Why argue with this? He’s made his intentions clear.Maybe she was finally ready to admit she felt the same way. “So, Thursday night?”

“Sounds good.” Kennedy tucked her phone into her back pocket and laid the glasses on the desk. “I trust you’re ready to see Tiffany before you leave?”

“Of course.”

The women met up with Olivia before heading from the stables. When they reached Jake, Marnie held out her hand. He rewarded her with both a huge beam of pleasure and by interlacing their fingers. The surge of reassurance was exhilarating.

When Kennedy opened the door of the barn, Tiffany ran to greet them, her lone puppy fast at her heels.