Jake whispered, “May I hug you?”
Touched to her core, she gave a slight incline of her head, then stepped into his arms. The embrace was strong and sure, and again she questioned her choices. What if she said what was in her heart? What if she opened herself up to what he was offering? Yet even as she had the thought, she dismissed it. Too much had happened. There was no going back. Although, with her head tucked against his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his waist, she had a sense of foreboding. A monumental shift in their relationship.
“Thank you for coming.”
She pulled away to meet his blue eyes, no longer obscured by sunglasses.
“Thank you for bringing me.” Responding to his look of surprise, she elaborated. “I needed this. I needed to face my past.”
“And have you?”
Tell him the truth.“I’ve started the process—which is better than where I was before. The work is just beginning.”
“You’ll get there, Marnie—I have confidence you will.”
“You have more faith in me than I do.”
“Maybe that's your problem. You lack faith in yourself. Your strength’ll carry you if you let it.”
She pulled away from his intense gaze. “We'll see you when you come to visit.” As close an admission she wanted to see him again as she could manage.
“It’ll be sooner rather than later.”
“You’ll always be welcome.”
“I'm going to hold you to that.”
Joining Olivia, Marnie entered the plane. One last look back showed Jake putting his sunglasses back on. His expression was unreadable, and for that, she was grateful.
The cabin of the plane was absolutely luxurious, outfitted with the most expensive accoutrements.
She pictured her father traveling in such comfort with ease.Must remember to thank him for his generosity.She strapped into a seat directly across from Olivia. “Are you okay?”
Olivia grinned. “Uncle Jake spent lots of time explaining what it will be like. A little silly, if you ask me.”
Marnie laughed, reveling in the sound.
“He said you were a real trooper, especially because you guys had a lot of turbulence. He said you had to hold his hand.”
“He talks too much.”
“He likes you.”
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “He said that?”
Eyes rolling, Olivia gave an exasperated groan. “It's obvious. I don't see why you guys can't see each other. It’s clear you like him too.”
“Liking is the easy part.” She sought the right words. “I don't have a lot of experience with men. It wouldn't be fair to your uncle.”
“You're thinking too much.”
“That's what your uncle says.”
“Well, maybe you should listen to him.”
She was saved from having to respond by the revving of the engine. Gratitude threatened to overwhelm her when Olivia grabbed her hand.
It’s going to be okay.