"After some thorough digging, I’ve discovered that Antonio is in New York."
There were only a few moments in my life where it seemed like everything spiralled out of control. The first time I ever experienced that horrendous feeling was when I lost my parents.
I remember receiving the call from the hospital because my number was saved on my father’s emergency contact list. He must've known that I'd be the person who'd be strong enough to handle their affairs if the need ever arose.
The second time was when I got shot. I don't think the termspirallingwould be appropriate in describing what it felt like. Laying on that cold ground, slowly losing consciousness. Losing sight of everything. Trying to escape the darkness that consumed you, being incapable of hearing the person who's right next to you repeating your name and begging you to wake up.
The third time definitely had to be the worst one yet. Discovering that the person you're becoming attached to, the person you're learning more about, the person who you obsessed over, was on a criminal's radar.
Then of course, there was this moment happening right now. Hearing that the criminal you've been chasing has been under your nose for God knows how long is in your backyard. "How long?"
"A week," Kayden said and it felt like my blood ran cold. "I went through the camera footage you asked me to look at and Gabriella's senses were in fact correct. Jonathan Freeman, Antonio’s cousin, is the person who's been watching her."
"What?" I couldn't believe this. “How’s that possible?” I pushed myself off the desk. “I’ve been keeping an extremely close eye on her.”
“That’s the thing,” Kayden said, handing me a manila folder. “Jonathan has been doing all of Antonio’s dirty work and he’s been hiding in plain sight. Upon further investigation, I also found this.” He clicked on a little tab on his computer screen.
All of the information pertaining to Jonathan popped up on the screen and my jaw nearly fell slack. “He’s been in the same vicinity as her?” I asked in a low tone. “They’ve been planning this since they took the images of us in Cabo.”
“Yes,” Kayden confirmed. “They obviously didn’t know the depth of your relationship, but after the two of you became more acquainted with each other, they knew they could take advantage of that to get back at you.”
Kayden flicked through the information. “Antonio was in London when I first tagged his location. He’s been there ever since the night of the shootout,” he said. “He slipped up when he made use of the incorrect mobile device, but he’s always been on my fucking watch list.”
“Do you know his exact location now?”
“Unfortunately not,” Kayden said. “I’ve narrowed it down to a small area in the Upper East Side, but it’s still too much ground to cover. I’m working on it, though.”
“See this is why I shouldn’t have been off work,” I scowled. “Not only do I not have any equipment, but I’ve been too distracted. And even though Braun keeps me updated, he still wanted you to limit the information shared with me.”
“Braun just wanted to protect you.” I knew that. From the very beginning that’s all he’s ever done for Kayden, Ares, and I. I’d consider him my father figure.
“Fuck.” I dragged my hand down my face, tossing my head back. “Fuck. I need to go right now.” I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair, swinging it on my upper body.
“Where are you going?” Kayden was about to follow, but I shook my head.
“To Gabriella’s place. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything impulsive,” I said calmly. “Send me all of the information you’ve got on them. I can’t leave her alone any longer.”
Kehlani handed me a cup of hot chocolate. The cold, rainy weather called for a warm beverage and I wasn't in the mood for iced coffee. It reminded me of him.
Reminded me of how much he despised it and how he’d often tease me for drinking it almost every day. "Thank you, babe." I said softly, taking a small sip of the liquid. The foamy top coated my lip and I licked it.
"I don't like seeing you unhappy, Gabriella." Kehlani's voice could smooth anybody who listened to her. She radiated an aura of pure comfort, empathy, and softness. "When last did you speak to Nicolas?"
"Last night," I answered truthfully. "He tried calling me, but I declined his calls." I frowned when the moments of our argument replayed in my mind.
"Do you want to talk to him?" she asked.
"I don't know." I blinked slowly. "I definitely want to resolve the issue, but I don't know if I'm ready to talk to him. He really hurt me. I didn't know what to make of his reaction. It was uncalled for."
"Your feelings are valid." She smiled warmly. "If you're not ready to speak to him, you're not obligated to do so. You have every right to be upset. Take your time, Gabs."
I sighed, holding the cup tightly in my grip. "I don't understand why he'd react like that." I frowned. "All I wanted was his support,but of course he didn't give me that."
"I'm trying to look at it from both perspectives. Perhaps he was just taken aback by the news. Though I don't agree with the things he said to you."
That was Kehlani for you. A mediator. The water was thrown onto a raging fire. "I wanted him by my side when I took the test. The whole ordeal made me nervous. I was scared to do it by myself because I wasn't ready to face the results."
"I understand, my love." She grabbed the plastic bag from the table, holding it up while looking at me. "Are you ready to take the test?"