“I already fucking do. You just don’t see it yet.” Light fought something—and roughed a kiss at Simon’s lips before he bit, making him cry out. Blood spilled, then a tug on Simon’s hair forced him back down to the floor as Light came down with him. He was suddenly all heat—body dipping into Simon’s, cock on cock, his bite finding his throat, forcing a cry off Simon.

Simon snarled, that was his first reaction, then a tug to get his other hand free and shove Light off came next, but—

“Fucking don’t.” Light whispered hard and fast in his ear. “Please. I’m scared of you sometimes too, so give me this.”

Simon stilled.

Head down, Light kept a rough grip on his wrists as he dipped his hips. Breathing was heavy, panted, but with it came a frustration, a need to chase something through the anger. Yeah, he fought to chase something, but he struggled so badly with finding it… maintaining it.

So hard…fast…angry…was the only answer, and Simon screwed his face feeling it through the vicious bite that came on his neck.

“Dual control,” he snapped hard in Light’s ear. “Don’t ever hold me down.”

Freedom came with a growl, and the moment Light let him go, Simon pulled him in close, a grip to his hair, another touch finding his ass and tugging him down as he arched his own body. “C’mon, burn some of it out, boy.”

“Not your fucking boy.” Light returned the touch, digging a hand into Simon’s ass, even their push and pull at odds, off pace, out of order, but Light groaned into it, still chasing something, still chasing everything, maybe blind himself to the world in the rush because of it.

Wild fucking perfection. He’d carried it last time they’d fucked, and Simon gripped the back of his neck, forcing a bite, his own ownership mark. Light shoved Simon’s boxers off his ass, exposing his cock a moment later, then he was back down, forcing a hiss out of Simon as his own bare cock ground hard against Light’s, nothing but his sweatpants separating them.

Fuck… he went commando?

Simon pushed them down off Light’s ass, grip-releasing in to his slim cheeks, needing to find his way into him again. Yeah, this was the Light he remembered. Scared, wild perfection in heat when he did find a way into it.

Again he went to move, but again Light pushed him down by the shoulders with a shake of head. Then giving a scowl, he pushed back, going to his knees as he shoved Simon onto his side, exposing half of his ass. Light split his legs a moment later with one of his, opening him up, then he was freeing his cock, a hand roughing his length as he came down.

Half on his side, Simon twisted a little, gripping Light’s hair, stopping him moving. “I’m not….” He shook his head. “Fucking top, Light. I don’t take it—”

Light roughed a kiss at his lips despite the grip to his hair. “You do with me.” He lubed his cock with precome, then he took care of Simon.

With the anger going on with his pace, breathing—control, it would be Light’s first time taking someone, and it showed in his rush, his drop of thought and consideration. Simon groaned and screwed his eyes shut, hating… loving the rush that came with it. “C’mon. Do it if you need it.”

The breach came easily enough, but Simon cried out, panic there with being taken to the hilt, hurt—but an explosion of heat and pleasure that had him grabbing his own cock. He’d always own this part of Light too. First touch, first taste of being taken by a man, oftakinga man…. Light was a good size and went in balls deep without much thought or care behind taking his time. The stress and first sensations of being inside a man seemed to play out like it had with Simon’s first time: confusion over the warmth and tightness, wanting to fuck and linger, loving it, then the whole…fuck, what the hell am I doing, and Light cried out in his pace, how if he stopped and thought too long, he’d lose himself in too much sense, maybe too many memories over Brin. How the last time they’d fucked….

Simon closed his eyes as he bit Light’s neck, needing to inject the wildness and not let it rest, not with how it had almost just caught Simon out with thoughts straying to Brin.

It was an uncomfortable position: on his side, Light splitting his legs, pushing at his hip and fucking him into the floor despite how Simon had twisted around to face Light and grip at his neck to steady himself. But Simon relaxed into how hard and fast Light pushed his length into him, and it forced such a hotness in his cockhead as he gripped it.

“C’mon.” Breathing hard, he gripped the back of Light’s hair, forcing his look down to see what he was doing, not just feel—hit every sense that Light needed to live in the moment. “Own every fucking length.”

“Fuck.” Light shivered, then reared up to his knees with a groan, and a grip dug into Simon’s thigh and pulled him into every thrust.

Simon bit down his own cry with how his cock rode the floor, and the need to come caught him out as Light shifted his touch and grabbed at his cock, stroking Simon as roughly as he took him.

Simon groaned and dropped his head back to the floor, his body jerking under the onslaught. He didn’t like bottoming, but bottoming for Light…? “Won’t fucking last.”

Light slammed into him deep, his pace unrelenting. “You’re not fucking supposed to.”

“Christ.” Simon screwed his eyes to the rush that spread upwards from his balls, and he dipped his head, looking down to the come forced from him. He gripped around Light’s touch, needing to guide him into taking the rest, then he buried his head in the floor as Light didn’t stop fucking it out of him.

Sweat dampening his body, still caught in the comedown, it took a moment to realise Light hadn’t come, that his pace, his pace was stumbling… faltering, as if the connection to him had been lost the moment Simon came.

“No, no, no.” Simon gripped at his hair again, this time pulling him down for an angry kiss before biting and drawing blood. The connection shorted for some reason, and it left Light fucking into him, each one more angry, losing pace, rhythm, as if he was dancing to the wrong beat and couldn’t understand why despite hearing what tones played through his own body.

The bite worked, and Light cried out, then came the next moment, holding for a few seconds, but there seemed no pleasure about it, all dulled masturbation where despite the build towards it, the server shut down, leaving nothing but frustrated confusion.

Light jerked back in the next breath, and as he stood and turned, tidying himself up, a snarl came before he punched the wall. “Fucking cunt.”

Simon was up, backing him up against the door. “Hey… hey.”