Light hardened his gaze almost as if picking up on those thoughts, and straightening a little, he took Simon’s touch off with a grip at his wrist. No violence there with it, just a look that said… no.

“Why a culler?” It came eventually off Light, carrying so much quiet… a heated need to know. “Why let them taint your fucking skin after everything they’ve done?”

“After everything they’ve done to you? As if only you matter in all of this?”

Light went to pull away. Simon pulled him back, knowing that came across as though he didn’t care, but—“Because with the backing they have, you’ll only get eaten by them, Light.”

Light frowned, and Simon tightened his jaw, then looked away, shaking his head.

Light had asked, and Simon needed his privacy, no CCTV or audio in the way, because he’d made a promise to himself that he’d answer if Light ever asked. Doors remained locked, no access in or out unless Ray gave the all clear, but no one got to hear or see what was said until Simon requested it. After a moment, he glanced at his watch, then typed in a code. This code had been agreed by them if Simon thought Light needed the privacy, if they both did. And Light had been given a break from CCTV at certain points.

Light went to say something, but Simon shook his head. He knew what would come from Gray in the next few heartbeats….

Sat reading theFinancial Timesinbed, Gray eased the paper down and picked up his phone as a text message came through with a code. Giving a frown, he thumbed in Ray’s number.

“Here.” He checked his watch. 10:00 p.m.

“CCTV and audio have gone down in the summerhouse. Nothing was scheduled. Simon’s code came through, cutting it. Do you want to handle it?”

With Jan lost to sleep and the heat of his body seeping into Gray’s, Gray eased up as he distractedly rested a touch on Jan’s hip. Usually any blackout was agreed upon. “Give me a minute.” He ended the call, then dialled Simon’s mobile. He let it ring four times, then hit End.

From the couch where Martin sat, Gray got a look his way.

Gray’s mobile rang in the next breath, and he answered.

“2068.” It came quietly off Simon, and Gray caught no stress in his voice. It let him know everything was clear, but it also let him know Simon needed privacy between him and Light for some reason.

He stayed still for a moment, his look holding Martin’s over how anger simmered under his skin over Simon taking… alone time with Light, but he buried it, knowing that was exactly why Simon was there.

“Check in with Ray in thirty minutes. No longer.”

He left it at that and sat looking down at his phone for a moment before frowning, then rubbing at his eyes. He called Ray a moment later. “All clear,” he said as Ray answered. “They have a thirty-minute grace period, then he either checks in with you, or you go and check in with him. Understood?”


Once Gray cut the call, Simon focused back on Light and slipped the phone away. He knew Ray would be checking in here in thirty minutes. So he kept it just as quiet, just as flat, because Light needed to know this side of him now.

“There’s no great secret, Light. I’m just scared. Nothing more.”

Light frowned, and Simon gave a hard sigh as he drifted a touch under Light’s T-shirt, stroking distractedly at his abs even though all the muscle there stiffened at his touch. “Yeah, I know who the cullers are. I know what your father is. But I also know that because I found out about them, it got me noticed by them.”

He stroked the full length of Light’s side. Light had no reaction to it, no shiver that said he felt it, but feel it he did. His cock thickened in grey sweatpants, and it was just about the most goddamn sexiest sight known to man in Simon’s view, because more anger at what he’d said fed into those eyes of his, and Simon wanted to fuck all that attitude out of him.

“I’m not stupid.” His breath brushed Light’s jaw as he went in close. “I know I’m a different threat to their security when it comes to the net, that I can get names and details on culling orders they’ve buried for generations.”

He slipped his other hand to Light’s side, a tug at his hips gently pulling cock against cock.

“I’m just another name waiting to be added to their list if I don’t get my name added into their ranks.” He closed his eyes briefly at the hard press of cock against cock, and breath on breath, he eased into the back of Light’s sweatpants and gripped his ass. “So why the cullers? Why make a deal?”

Simon pulled back a little.

“To stay alive.” He shrugged. “To stay here… with you, without the threat of any culler coming at me for it.” Simon eased Light’s cock into his, hard, but he kept this so quiet in his ear. “Just please don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I won’t stop you. I’d take you out of the picture before you stepped outside of these doors.”

Light shoved at his shoulders, sending him back roughly and slipping a foot behind him. Simon hit the bedroom floor a moment later, not even having the time to register Light coming down with him and pinning him to the floor by the wrists.

“Don’tevercome at me,” Light growled in his face. “I’ll always be two fucking steps ahead of you and take you down before you could press any command button.”

“Yeah,” said Simon, forcing his forehead into his. “Fucking try it, Light. You won’t ever own me.”