But that was okay. Light was still trying to figure himself out, but his look always came back Simon’s way. Fully dressed or a towel wrapped around his body as water dampened his skin, Simon would always own that look of Light’s because he knew few other men ran with the mental aptitude he did. He held a touch of his own arrogance with that, he knew it, but he’d use what he could, when he could in order to make Light know he was… wanted.
Only that look had changed so much since learning about the deal.
Light leaned against the wall, and instead, that slight smile that touched his lips in that moment called ownership of Simon through his failure.
“You got Ray to bring these over?” Simon took in the scent of coffee as he walked past Light, into the hall. He allowed no cooker here, no kettle, so everything had to be ordered in. “Ask me next time,” he said flatly, needing ownership of Light back. He made it into his bedroom after taking a gulp.
Light came on through a moment later, but just like in the bathroom, he kept his distance, never quite in the bedroom or out of it, and Simon looked him up and down, how it mimicked how he always stood on the threshold of his own sexuality: how Light was still his own slim bouncer when it came to careful guarding of his body.
“Ray didn’t seem so pissed off when I called,” Light said eventually, then winced. “Seems he likes the opportunity to do household checks more and more lately.”
Simon took the towel off and started drying himself. Modesty he didn’t have, not when it came to his own space. And this was his own space. He slipped his boxers on after that. “Mobile observation.”
“Hmm?” Light rested against the wall, one hand in his sweatpants pocket.
Simon picked up his coffee and took another sip. “It’s called mobile observation.”
Light mouthed an “Oh,” then cocked a small smile that seemed genuine enough. “Still painfully wet behind the ears in some areas, huh?” He shrugged. “Well, what I have left of one, at least.”
Finishing his coffee, Simon put the mug on the unit, then turned and went in on Light, only to have Light jolt slightly, both with the close proximity and how Simon swept the silver strands away from his damaged ear.
Good. Simon kept that startlement close. Light was the better fighter when it came to one-on-one, but with pushing his boundaries as a lover…? It scared him, and Simon needed to burn that into him: the fears over loving… losing, because feeling only seemed to hit Light at the threat of losing it all. And Light had backed down since Simon had taken the walk two days ago.
“You’re gonna get a lot worse,” he said flatly. “Especially if you see us as your enemy over this deal.” The silver of Light’s hair contrasted the bruised and broken skin of his knuckles, yet added to the dark brown of Light’s eyes. The colour seemed so damn vibrant, all sin and sex without the hiding.
Light kept his look, his hot chocolate held down by his side, and that offer of attitude with the need to fall back into… hot chocolate and youthful… innocence only had Simon shaking his head and backing away.
“You haven’t,” said Light quietly.
“Hmm?” That stopped Simon, and he turned back.
“Got a lot worse over the years.” Light cocked a smile. “Not yet anyway.”
Simon went in and kept his run over the shell of Light’s ear gentle. “Don’t threaten me,” he said quietly. The small bandage had gone. Light would lose a little shape to it, but nothing more. The worry was with how Light had accepted it, no anger. But Simon walking away seemed to make him stumble and fall, just a little. That was clear with how he stood here, in the bedroom, looking for talk.
“I’m damn good at what I do,” said Simon, and Light cocked a smile.
Simon kept his touch gentle. “Do the math, look around you.”
Light didn’t.
“How many homes are run from apps on their phones like this one?” Simon said softly, a trace of thumb on his throat. “All it takes is an app-jack. Bypass the trip switches, overload a socket, and I could burn you in your bed from a thousand miles away for any hell you think you might cause.”
Light tilted his head slightly. “That’s assuming I’d be stupid enough to sleep in a house dependent on Smart control… if I ever decided to leave.”
Simon looked around him briefly. “You already are, Light. You’re here, caught in one.”
“I never said I was caught. I stayed purely for you and Gray to step up.”
No anger settled in his eyes. This was his reminder on exactly why he was here. How Simon had already… failed. Light wore grey sweatpants and a sleeveless T-shirt, his tanned shoulders showing toned and honed muscle, and it was still there, how no one but Simon had kissed his neck….
Touched his body.
Fucked him.
Breathing heavy, Simon traced the soft curve of his neck. His love bites back then had stayed around for Gray to know Light was his. And yeah, Simon liked how Gray still looked like he wanted to hit him for it.
Because Lightwashis.