“Hey.” Jan padded over, and Gray looked up just as he got a kiss on the cheek. “You’re up early… again.” He turned and headed over to the bathroom. “You know that technically falls under… routine, right?”
Gray snorted. Jan was butt naked as he headed for the en suite, and Gray eased into a soft grin and slipped his phone away. Jan had come into his own so much lately, all confidence there with walking Gray’s hall… naked, all natural, all head, heart… body. “Some routines can be good for the—”
“Stop looking at my ass, Gray.”
Gray snorted another smile. “Swear I wasn’t.” Jan scratched at his side, more so at his head, and, yeah… that ass of his was worth watching.
Jan threw him a look back, a shake of head, then pushed through to the en suite. “Bloody liar.”
Gray smirked and focused back on his phone, giving Jan some peace, but maybe he lied there too as he slipped the phone away and looked back Jan’s way….
As he stood brushing his teeth, Jan laughed softly, then regretted it as he nearly swallowed it and coughed, choked. He swore he was coming down with something, but it kept hiding out of sight. Soft footfall on carpet back in the bedroom headed Jan’s way, and he turned his head its way, sensing only Gray. But then Gray must have got cut off at the pass as—
“Huh. For fuck’s sake, Jack.”
Jan stretched, then finished by washing up and said a silent prayer for not needing a shave today. After grabbing a towel, he wiped at his face and padded back on through to the bedroom. Seeing the commotion, Jan rested back against the doorframe, a soft smile touching his lips.
Gray lay on his back, on the bed, Jack straddled across his hips. He knew it was Jack, because, well, no one would catch Martin doing what Jack was.
Jacket open, Gray’s shirt tugged free, Jack ran such tender kisses over Gray’s abs, so close to where Martin’s knife wound still carried butterfly stitches.
“You know we have cream to heal that, right?” Jan said softly. “Licking them doesn’t technically count as care… just kink. I mean….” Jan came away from the wall. “You are licking them to heal, right? You’re not into sharing blood as well as cigarettes, are you?”
Jack eased up, and the smile that passed between them was… somewhere Jan didn’t ever want to go.
Gray laughed and eased a touch to Jack’s ass. “I take it Martin left a note on what he’d done?”
Jack eased back, settling more into Gray’s lap, and Gray seemed to like the position as he gripped Jack’s ass.
“Well….” Jack winced. “There were a few drawings, a lot of scribbled red over a stick figure, where X marked the spot, followed by two huge thumbs-up in the corner. I’m not exactly sure why a lot of dead stick figures played Jenga on the conference table after that, or where the one dangling from a cage with his privileges… cut off came from, but, you know… Martin. I take it that those last ones were some fantasy kink fetishes he went into over the rest of the Masters?”
Jan choked a laugh, Gray too.
“Thank fuck for that,” said Jack.
Jan went over and shoved at his shoulder. “Off. You’re gonna hurt him like that.”
Jack only shifted a little, then grinned. “I know.” As he caged Gray in, he shifted again, the dip of his hips showing off that gorgeous dimple in the small of his tanned back as he moved, all full-on filth.
He wore pyjamas: black silk on Gray’s black suit trousers.
“You’re really gonna hurt him.”
A grin came Jan’s way. “Shush.” And he dipped his hips one more time, head bowed, maybe enjoying going Dom on Gray and enjoying his hurt a little more than he should. “Let me play.”
“Anyone tell you you’re a twisted bastard?”
“Once… maybe twice. Just on the quiet… like…” Jack chuckled, then all play seemed to drop, his kisses going so much more tenderly on Gray’s side again as Gray winced.
Jan saw it then: Jack had gone mukka tipping, but had turned the devilment on purely for Jan. His kisses were so light and tender close to Gray’s wound, but worry bit at Jack more.
“I’m good,” Gray said softly, head up off the bed and watching him. “Martin proved a point to onlookers and Halliday, nothing more.”
“Well that explains the cage and cut off cock on the floor, at least. Halliday.” Jack said that back to Jan, and Jan nodded. “And he didn’t section them both?”
Jan shook his head again as Gray’s phone cut into the bedroom, and he went over and picked it up.
Jack looked at it for a moment, must have contemplated throwing it out the window, then as Jan handed it over, Jack started giving Gray some decency with tucking his shirt back in.