“Just making sure Mr Richards can hear me, boss.” A tap came in Gray’s earpiece, Jan’s too from how Jan winced. “Testing, one, two, three. Jan, one, two—”

“Ass,” said Jan, falling in at Gray’s side as they started to head back. “And it’s Mr Richards to you when you’re being a dick. You’re also on breakfast duty for that. I’ll have—”

“Sorry,” said Ray. “The comms break… breakin’ up, Juh—”

Gray cut the comm, just to make sure, and took out his Bluetooth, giving them some privacy. Jan did the same. “Jack pulling a sickie and staying in bed?” asked Gray.

Jan scratched at his head, more the line of sweat. He looked good, still softer on body and muscle, but slim, more toned with the bet he had with Jack and trying to manage to make it to the gate when it came to early morning running. Jack managed to keep pace with Gray on the best of days, but they’d had years of running together, yet Jan? He was… Jan. Only used to running to catch a bus for the morning commute, if ever pushed.

“It’s Tuesday,” said Jan. “Last of the month. He was getting his things in his car last time I saw, all grumbles over terrorising Steve at Jack’s second garage with going over the accounts.” Jan picked up a stray branch that had fallen onto the long driveway and tossed it off onto the green. “Means making Steve pay for breakfast this morning too. Al not passed you by yet? He’s on driving duty with Jack this week.”

Gray winced. That was no doubt the real reason behind why Jack had been grumbling. Having his licence revoked due to his DID had been the hard part for Jack. Martin had never switched with Jack when it came to driving, but with how frequent the switches came lately, definitely added to how Gray had only just started to show Martin how to do an emergency stop if ever caught out, Halliday took no chances on safety. Gray had ensured it and notified the DVLA on Jack’s behalf. Al was his named driver. And no, Gray hadn’t seen him yet, although a soft crunch of Mercedes tyre on pebble started to give him away, and Jan smiled over.

Al drew up alongside them, and a word in his ear off Jack had Al pulling to a stop. As Jack got out and came over, throwing Al a look, he shook his head. “You know he beats me up every time we get outside of the gate?” he said to Gray. “Tortures puppies for a cheap side-line too,andsends me the pictures. Sack the bastard.”

“No he doesn’t,” said Gray as Jan dug his hands in his pockets and tried not to laugh.

“Well, no. I’d leave his bollocks battered in a chip shop before he got chance to thump me.” There was no lie there. Jack had long since earned his thug badge. “But he does torture puppies. Like really small ones.” He even measured up the defenceless cuteness.

Gray pointed at him. “Don’t start this morning.”

“Never said a fucking word.” Only he always would when it came to control of surveillance around him and Jan. “You got any bloody idea at how embarrassing it is to be the only mechanic running two garages without a bloody car, fuck a driving licence?” Jack stopped by him, but as Jan coughed, his annoyance slipped to nothing. “You sure you’re not coming down with something? Go back to bed.”

Jan carried on coughing into the crook of his arm, away from them, then smiled and patted Jack’s abs. “Just a cough. Leave me alone and get out of your bloody mood, otherwise Gray’ll drive you in and thatwillget you crying foul.”

Jack danced a finger between them. “Been here before. You’re meant to be on my side.” But Jack eased off as Jan’s soft laugh ran into another cough, and he tugged Jan in before kissing at his cheek. “I should be back around sevenish,” he said over to Gray. “Just don’t hold me to it.” He didn’t look happy for a moment. “Not with Steve and spending spree day due to the accounts being decent for once.” Jack eyed Jan up. “I’m blaming you for that.”

“You be mechanic, me do books,” said Jan. “Tis the way of the beautiful working world, Jacky-boy.”

Jack had taken him on to handle accounts at his two garages over the past few months as well, and it wasn’t just a wink and a nod to Jan as his lover. Jack still worked by metal file case, all 60s style. It was probably harder on Jan for accepting, considering receipts had him surrounded on all sides in the lounge many a time, but accept he had.

“Could always make it interesting,” said Jan.

“Fuck off. Accounts?” Jack pushed him away.

“Body search you for the receipts afterwards.”

“Oh.” Jack pulled him back in. “Well….” Silver-grey eyes lit up. “In that case, baby. But is that a new clause you’ve added into everyone’s contract, because I’d love pictures on you sexy-frisking old Mrs Linderson from the bakery.”

Gray choked a laugh, Jan too as he waved a finger Jack’s way. “Do you ever know when to stop fucking about?” said Jan.

Fake disgust crept up on Jack’s face. “I think I need to book you into the MC, dark side, to show you the correct definition on semantics over… fucking about.”

Jan laughed, but then frowned a little.

“You okay?” Jack didn’t seem to like the change as he tightened his hold. Gray didn’t either.

Jan shrugged. “I got talking to Leif this morning. It’s his turn to pay for lunch. Brennan’s Master sub… he’s doing an accountant training course with us.”

“Yeah, we know who he is, soft lad.” Jack offered a gentle smile as Gray took a sip of water from his water bottle. Jack and Leif had joined the MC together and had gone through Master sub training thick as thieves. “How’s he doing?”

“Missing you,” Jan said eventually, then he smiled a touch. “Must be the accountant in me, but as soon as I start talking numbers, talk always seems to come back to how you’re both getting on. Who’d have thought I could kill the whole BDSM lifestyle when it comes to numbers, huh?”

Gray smirked. “Didn’t someone put ‘accountant’ into the suggestion box for a heat kill switch?”

Jack snorted. “All the trainee sub department, plus some of the Masters and Doms. Catering staff from what I heard too.”

“Oh sure, use me for a passion killer. Thanks.” Jan bit back more of a smile, his breathing a little more normal, but then he sobered as he slipped a hold around Jack. “He didn’t say much, Leif. Just hinted that he thinks Brennan might be getting in touch with Gray.”