“Fuck yeah. Take it. Take it for me, bro.” The young man hissed after the last word, then his cry hit the air as he suddenly pulled back, dancing and crying out as he gripped his cock. He punched Alec a second later.

“Fucking cunt. Too quick. You make me wanna come too quick.”

Then he was back down by Alec, grinning as he gripped at his cheek. “Greedy pup, ain’t ya?”

Thick wetness ran from the back of Alec’s head, running down past his right ear. It dripped off his neck in time with the spit from his mouth and all the humiliation with oral rape and its aftertaste. The young man massaged his cock, fisting over the head, all red, hard, and dripping as a deep throbbing came from Alec’s skull.

Tunnels. It all registered vaguely somewhere.

The General Market hid an immense underground cavern with a huge dome, and a complex set of tunnels made veins all through it. He couldn’t tell for sure if they were those tunnels: he’d been out long enough for the sick bastard to fly him to Scotland for all he knew. But it made twisted sense in a way to make use of the underground tunnels under the market. They’d been blocked off to the public for decades, their only use being to store salt for bad weather during the winter. Off to his left, an abandoned grinding wheel for sharpening knives toppled drunkenly to its side, but, as the man shifted out of his way, it was the cage just ahead that stole everything in him.


They faced each other at a slight angle, nothing but an arms-wide-open width between them. A dog cage bit into Cane’s naked body, and he wore a collar like Alec, his jaw forced onto a platter that kept his head still. But with a bit in his mouth, hands bound behind his back, Cane had been awake a lot longer with the sharpness going on in his gaze, and his look stayed solely with Alec.

Heat burned Alec’s cheeks.


Cane had been close enough to see a cock shoved into Alec’s mouth, all that hard pound of ass, of….

Cane shook his head, or tried to. All hurt was there for Alec, but Cane’s body wore smeared dirt marks all over it: a shoulder… hip, down to his side, where a highway of bloodied fingernail trails carved him raw. Added to the shaking going on with his body….


Alec tried to grunt out his name, to get out, move, but it only came out as a startled mess of cry and shake of cage.

“Yeah, sorry.” A stroke went to his cheek as the young man stood. “Couldn’t wait for you to wake and lick at your Candy Cane there, who, actually—” A tilt of head came. “—turns out he’s less willing and Able than you with how he takes cock.”

As Alec struggled, he got a cock rubbed into his cheek. Then he held Cane’s look as a finger trailed over Alec’s jaw, back over the top of the cage.

Footsteps moved behind him.

Cane shook his head and bucked in the cage, eyes wide, muscles in his throat strained against his cry.

At the back of Alec, something shifted the cage—a grip onto it? A creak came, a soft groan—then the slide of cock along his crack that didn’t stop until body and clothing pressed into the cage from behind, into Alec’s ass.

“Got a thing for brothers…” It came so quietly with another slip-slide of cock along his crack. “Two in my case. A little older than you and me, but only just a little. Cries smothered into pillows in the dead of night are just so damn sexy, right?”

A cockhead slipped against his hole.

“You gonna cry out for me, bro?”

Alec grunted, his body forced forward as he took the head, then all of the young man’s cock in the next breath. And yeah, he cried out into the bit as hard jerks into his body pounded him into the cage after that. The rape came so fast, so easy into his ass, and Alec fought sickness with just how easy. Like those two brothers, had his ass been prepped as he was dead to the world?

Cane kept his look on Alec, and Alec fell quiet and screwed his eyes shut. Despite the rape pounding into his body, it was Cane who made him shut his eyes to the world; how a tear slipped down Cane’s cheek as his look said he wished to God it was still him taking it all, not Alec.

“You feeling a bit stupid for playing brothers for so long, Alec?”

He grunted as the man held his cock deep into his ass, straining every muscle in Alec’s body as the man came.

“Huh? You feeling that stupid—” Another fuck pushed into his body. “—yet?”

The man’s breathing came hard, but the grip into Alec’s hips came harder, as if he wanted more, to itch some other need, but with a grunt, he pulled out, slapping at Alec’s ass as spilled come slid down Alec’s inner thigh.

“You’re both gonna fucking drain me, and that’s really not a good place to go. But—” Another slap at Alec’s ass. “Good times, bro. Damn good times.” A sniff was given. The fasten of jeans. A deliberate control of breath. “Noah, get my shit ready.”

Shaking, Alec had missed the man at the back of Cane. He stood messing with a tray, and the things he kept picking up and putting down?