“Thanks.” I walk towards the store, but the strip of stores aren’t packed. There’s a few people scattered along the walkway, and next to the baby store is a café tucked in between stores. Ifall into the gap, watching Ava being playful with Ethan. It’s a joy to watch and I allow myself the secret of my heart melting with ease. She’s good with him, and despite the restrictive circumstances I have her under, she looks better—well rested. The glimmer shines in her warm brown eyes when she’s with Ethan, and as I watch her, I can’t imagine the woman in front of me doing the things I saw on that fateful link all those years ago.
There’s a hole in my heart when it comes to Ava, but having her close enough to take care of Ethan gives me a fraction of what I had with her. Only pieces of what we enjoyed together remain, but watching her brings the best of the memories back. I angle myself where I can keep watching her from afar.
She doesn’t see me. She would have to step out from where she’s standing outside the door and peek around the corner to the café to spot me. I hang back, watching as Ava enters the store. Stepping forward, I see her picking out clothes with him. I can’t stand outside the window. I would look like the creeper I am, so I move through the racks at the front of the store, enjoying the sound of my boy’s voice as he picks out shirts.
As time moves on, Ava stands at the counter with the black card I’ve given her paying for Ethan’s clothing. As she turns, I gulp down the hard lump in my throat. Her beauty is the type that becomes more serene and sophisticated as time passes. Cara’s no match for her, and it shows.
Anticipating them seeing me, I walk back out of the store, enjoying witnessing them together without my influence, but I watch as Ava suddenly draws Ethan in towards her, the bodyguard a few paces back behind her.
The woman’s face is one I’ve seen before, and Ava’s nervous disposition informs me that she knows the woman well too. Ethan stands in front of her as she places a protective shieldof arms in front of him. Passersby move around them as I move to within earshot, desperate to hear their conversation.
“Cindy, what are you doing here?” Ava shoots warily as I press my eyes shut, a ball of anger collecting inside my body. I didn’t instantly recognize her because the woman’s hair is strawberry blonde and she’s thinner. This ought to be interesting.
“I’m doing the same thing you’re doing, I guess,” she replies sheepishly, her eyes looking for something on the floor as she tucks her straight hair behind her ear.
“You have a child?” Ava asks in shock, her face crestfallen as she speaks to Cindy.
Good. I hope you feel the shame of what you did to me and what you did to yourself.
“Yeah, me and my boyfriend. You don’t know him,” Cindy replies as they stare at one another for a minute. “You look good these days. Is this your little man?” She attempts to bend down and talk to him, but Ava’s face tightens as she shields Ethan, directing the bodyguard to step in. Cindy stares at the man, fear in her eyes.
“Don’t put a hand on my son.” Her voice is wracked with emotion, but I’m enjoying the show. Serves Ava right. She wouldn’t be in this position if it weren’t for her lust.
“Ava, I’m sorry for what it’s worth,” Cindy begs, misery in her voice. “I miss you, but I did what I had to do to get money. She paid me well.” Cindy begins to break down as I lean closer, right behind the bodyguard. He’s seen me already and I texted him earlier to pretend I didn’t exist.
“Sorry?” Ava cracks now too, her voice breaking apart. “Cindy, what you did ruined my life. You spiked my drink andmade up those photos when you could have just asked me for money.”
Cindy covers her body defensively, crossing her arms, diverting her eyes as her shoe scuffs on the ground over a pebble. “That lady told me she would make it worth my while, and I was desperate. I didn’t think it would affect you that badly,” she pleads, a river of lame justifications spilling from her mouth as the illusions I hold in my head come crashing down.
“Ekaterina gave you how much to screw up my life?” Ava asks, tears falling from her eyes.
My mother had something to do with this?
“Umm, we don’t have to do this, Ava. You’ve got your son here, and it looks like everything’s worked out, yeah? I wouldn’t worry about—” Cindy misdirects wanting to get out of swimming in her guilt and dirty betrayal.
But I’m a shattered man. I can’t believe Ekaterina. She would do something like this so I could marry Cara? I hold my position listening to the story unfold, pain clawing at my chest, but not for me—for Ava. She didn’t betray me; I betrayed her at the end of the day.
In so many ways….
“You don’t get to tell me what to be worried about,” Ava launches back, her words overflowing with high emotion as she points her finger in Cindy’s chest. “I told you I would help you when I got money from Raven’s Peak. How could you sell out our friendship for money? I hate you, Cindy,” she gasps, and I can’t let her endure it anymore. It’s too hard for me to watch.
“I’m sorry. I messed up, Ava. Shit—I did. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me,” Cindy sobs, but wanting to shield Ava and not have Ethan listen to any more, I make myself known.
Ava turns to face me, her warm brown innocent eyes full of tears. There’s hatred in hers, not only for Cindy but for me. Cindy takes the opportunity to scuttle away into the store, leaving the pieces for me to pick up.
“Ava,” I start gently, putting out a hand to her as Ethan runs to his mother.
“Mommy, don’t cry. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I know. Sorry, Ethan.” She sniffs, her bottom lip wobbling as fire blazes in her eyes.
“You told me the truth. You never lied.” I’d been blind to my mother’s greed and feeding into her vicarious living through me, so much so I’ve killed dead the only true love of my life.
“I told you I never lied to you. You didn’t listen to me. You didn’t—” she gasps in distress, holding her chest, the moment hard for her. “You didn’t believe me.”
Ethan bear hugs her legs as I stand in the mud I slung at Ava, wanting to rewind everything I ever did to her.
“I’m sorry, Ava. I’m so sorry.” I reach out as Ethan keeps hugging her legs. I want them in my life so badly, but I don’t know what to do to repair all I’ve done to her.