“You’re right,” I yawn, feeling super drowsy and wanting to sleep. All the worrying over my potential pregnancy is running pointless circles around in my head. “I think I might be coming down with something or whatever. My head’s doing a funny spinning thing,” I tell her, my brain whooshing around.
“Hey, friend. It’s probably all the events and stuff. We should turn in for the night. We can talk some more in the morning over breakfast.” Yawning, and seeing double, I blink, my eyes getting droopy.
“Shit. You’re right. Let’s turn in.”
We walk down the hall, and I head to the spare bedroom I’ve always stayed in bringing my duffel bag with me. I change into my pajamas and slide under the covers, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m in dreamland.
Prying my eyes open, I notice my head still feels a little furry, and I could do with a few more hours rest, but I want toget up before Dimitri arrives, so I spend the maximum amount of time with Cindy. We’ve been disconnected for a bit, and once I head back to Dimitri’s mansion knowing the information I’m sitting on, I might not see her for a while. I shower first, feeling more human once I’m done and heading into the kitchen.
The smell of eggs and bacon waft through the air making my mouth water as I sit at the table. “Great! You’re up. Did you shower?” Cindy chirps. She’s always loved to cook, but normally we would take turns when we stayed at each other’s houses.
“Yes. I’m a little sleepy still, but much better than last night. I don’t get what came over me.”
Cindy smiles handing me my plate and it’s loaded up with everything I like. “It’s probably just all the stuff like I said.”
“Yep.” We small talk, and I mull over telling Cindy about the impending pregnancy, but a nagging voice tells me to keep it to myself until I’m sure of what Dimitri and I are.
A beep sounds outside right after we finish eating. “Shit! Is it nine already?” Surprised at how quickly time has gone, I’m already missing my best friend in the world.
“Yeah, it is,” she says slowly, pulling the curtain back to take a peek. Dimitri waves as Cindy swivels in her Ugg boots.
“What the hell? That guy—”
“What?” I chuckle at her floored reaction. “Close your mouth. You’ll catch all sorts of bugs in it.”
“Fuck the bugs. I’m jealous. That’s him? He’s so hot! I am burning up here. I just know you’re having all kinds of sex with that man. I know I would be.”
“Cindy! Be quiet.” I shhh her as Dimitri gets out of the black SUV, waiting in front of it.
He’s so impatient. Why didn’t he give me more time with her?
Annoyed by him being on time, I hug my friend and profusely apologize for not seeing her sooner, then promise to keep in touch. “Bye. Take care of you. Love you, Cindy.” Waving, she pokes out her bottom lip, still in her pajamas.
“Love you too. Have fun with your man.” Her smile is sad as she says it, making me not want to leave. I should have told her. I need to tell somebody.
Once I reach Dimitri, he kisses me solidly on the lips. “Hi. Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Fuck. I have to tell him. Is now the right time? Maybe I should wait until we get home or whatever.
As the ignition starts and we pull off from the curb, Dimitri starts the conversation. “I missed you last night, but I’m glad you spent time with your friend. What did you chat about?” he asks out of curiosity, but I know he’s fishing to see if I spoke about him.
“Dimitri, don’t act surprised. That’s what you wanted to hear, isn’t it?”
He grins, turning left onto the main road, waiting for a beat to rub my thigh. “Maybe.” He winks. “No, but really, what did you get up to?”
“We talked generally, nothing too special. It was just good to see her after so long. Cindy and I don’t need to talk so much; we can just be together and it’s nice to have her friendship. We’ve known each other for so long. She was telling me about school for her, and things in her life.”
“Oh. Well, that’s good. I always wondered what girls do at these slumber party things. I don’t stay over at my friend’s house unless we’ve been out drinking the night before. That’s all.”
Rolling my eyes, I chuckle, but my mind’s not completely in the conversation. “Typical, but no, just good conversation with a normal person. I’ve met so many of your abnormal associates lately that it was just nice to relax.”
Dimitri nods his head but doesn’t resist what I’m saying. “Glad to hear it, and good to see you this morning. I feel better.”
I can’t tell him now. What if I tell him and he wants to distance himself because he’s about to be a father now?I’llkeep it to myself for now.