It’s nothing like Dimitri’s house, this feels like a place where you would want a family to grow up. The air is fresh, and there’s many other cars parked in a separate section of the white pebbled driveway to the left.
“Is that a valet?” I ask in shock, but I shouldn’t be. It’s the Utkins and they’re loaded.
Dimitri places a hand on my knee, stroking it. “Yes. Stop worrying. We’re going to have a good time. I want my family to meet you.” I open my mouth to confess my fears, but shut it, not wanting to jinx things.
“I just want them to like me, that’s all.”
“They will.” Today Dimitri’s blue eyes sparkle, and he’s the most relaxed I’ve ever seen him. It melts my heart a little that he wants to show this vulnerable side of himself to me. Maybe we really are getting closer to having a label for our relationship.
As we approach the wraparound porch, I can hear the low hum of chatter from the inside. Dimitri holds my hand, his poise giving me strength. As the door opens, I’m taken into a new world. The elite world of the Utkins. From the outside the house might have resembled a sprawling country estate, but from the inside the shiny pearled marble tiles and antiques indicate otherwise.
This is more like a small palace. The interiors are majestic with large stone vases strategically placed in each corner filled with oversized ornamental flowers. The living room is open and lined with large plush rugs, and there’s a huge table in the center of the room filled with food and drink. The high beam ceilings filter in streams of light, and I can smell the wealth in the room. It’s palpable. Suddenly, I feel as if I’m underdressed, and Dimitri hasn’t taken his eyes off me since we’ve stepped out of the car, and I wish he would.
“Okay?” he asks, and it’s the first time I’ve seen him be uncertain about anything.
“I’m ah… fine, it’s just a lot here. Is this your family home? You grew up in this place?” Finding it unbelievable, I try to act normally, but it’s going to be hard surrounded by all this wealth.
“Yes,” he answers warmly. “They’re just people, Ava, and I promise you everything’s going to be fine. If it’s not, then you talk to me, and I will sort them out.” He winks, his fingers intertwining with mine, his sweetness easing my nerves a little more.
The house is filled with a string of people in lively discussion, occupying different rooms, but Dimitri guides me into the main living room area, where most of them are. A tall friendly guy with a messy mop of brown hair and green eyes approaches gathering Dimitri in a brotherly hug.
“Ah! You’re here. Is this the wonderful Ava you’ve been telling us about?”
Smiling, my stomach bubbles. He’s been talking about me to his family? This is news to me. Dimitri sighs with a nod. “Yes, this is Ava. Ava, meet Ryurik, my younger, less handsome brother.” Ryurik punches Dimitri in the shoulder playfully,scooping a handful of his hair back from his face, but all it does is flop back down again.
“Hey, don’t listen to shit he says, Ava. I’m the most handsome brother. And I’m nicer than him.” Maybe the day’s going to go well after all.
Dimitri mentioned his family tree briefly and doesn’t speak so much about his brother, so it’s nice to see him in person. “Hi, Ryurik.” I attempt to shake his hand as she shakes his head, giving me a quick hug instead.
“No need for formalities, Ava. You’re with my bro. Can I get you some juice, water, food?”
Dimitri grins, slapping his brother on the back. They’re nothing alike and it’s astonishing to me. “Sure. A juice would be good.”
“No problem,” he replies bouncily, his green eyes shining affably. I like him already.
“Wow. He’s nothing like you,” I blurt out to which Dimitri laughs, his eyebrow cocking with intrigue. “How so?”
“He’s down to earth. Friendly.” Dimitri puts a hand to his heart, wincing as if he’s hurt, but I grin back at him, knowing he’s not.
“That hurt my soul,” he jokes. “You might think so by appearances, but my brother is worse than me. Ryurik just hides it better.” Frowning, I contemplate what he means as Ryurik returns with sandwiches and juice. I’m ravenous and enjoy the plate of food he’s given me as we talk some more, getting to know each other. From what he shows me, I don’t see what Dimitri means, but I take his word for it, just the same.
“Come on, let me introduce you to my aunts and uncles.” Though I’m feeling a little out of place, Dimitri introduces me to his aunts and uncles who welcome me openly but bombardme with several questions about my upbringing and life. I’m drowning in a sea of overwhelm, when I’m relieved to spot Sophia. It’s hard to miss her full head of ginger hair, but she’s not alone. She’s got a little girl with her, and she’s holding a plate of food, nibbling at the chicken on it. Wow. Sophia has a child now. So grown up.
“Oh my God! Ava! What—you’re here? This is incredible.” Her mouth opens as the little girl giggles.
“Mommy. Is this your friend?”
“What… um yes. We went to school together.” Flustered by my arrival, Sophia opens her arms to hug me. I hug her back tightly, glad to see my friend looking so well. Andrei is in the background talking to Dimitri and catching up. She’s wearing a long flowing peach dress and a very shiny necklace that I bet cost her a fortune.
Our lives have changed so much. I don’t recognize this version of Sophia.
“Is that lawyer school, Mommy?” the little girl asks interrupting; she has me wondering what I would be like as a mother.
“Yes, from lawyer school. Ava, this is my nosey daughter Anya.”
Anya sticks out her hand already familiar with the societal norms. “Pleased to meet you,” she says with a toothy grin. I find her adorable as I shake her hand back.
“Good girl, now go find your cousins and play out back. Okay?”